need help regarding the working or BLDC motors

HELLO , I am a final year BE student working on building a quadcopter.
I am using 850 KV Brushless dc motors with 20 amp ESC. I am working on ATMega 328P arduino uno platform.
The motors are working fine when tested using a servo tester but not when given the input through the ardiuno board.

I am using the command " wrie.microseconds(1500)" from ardiuno library for this.

kindly reply what is this issue about and how to overcome it.

Thank you

kindly reply what is this issue about

It's probably this nonsensewrie.microseconds(1500)

Or it might be you're not sending the ESC (which we know nothing about) an arming sequence.

Or it might be a problem with your wiring(which we know nothing about) , or your code(which we know nothing about) .

Who knows?