need help to get around useless "delay" function

i have a led light that i am turning on for 4 seconds with a switch. the switch only stays closed for a fraction of a second. the delay function works but it shuts down all processing and i can't have that.

does anyone know how to substitute the millis function for the delay function?
here's the code that works and compiles except for the delay function issue.

void setup() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
void loop() {

pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
int sensorVal = digitalRead(2);
delay (10);
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);// initialize digital pin 7 as an output.
if (sensorVal == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
else {
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);


You are in luck!
There is a sketch that comes with the IDE call "Blink Without Delay".

Master the technique as you will use it a lot.

i know about blink without delay and i can't seem to modify it for using a switch to turn on the light.

Have a look at several things at a time. It is an extended example of the BWoD technique


What does this do?

if(millis() - lastMillis >= 4000UL)
some code

 if(millis() - lastMillis >= 4000UL)
     some code

Will execute "somecode" 4 seconds after millis is enabled after a reset.
While this:

 if(millis() - lastMillis >= 4000UL)
     lastMillis = lastMillis + 4000UL;
     some code

will execute every 4 seconds

Will execute "somecode" 4 seconds after millis is enabled after a reset.

It was a question for OP

:kissing: I should have said:
What does this do?

@ killedoff
What would this do?

if(millis() - lastMillis >= 4000UL)
if (sensorVal == HIGH)
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
lastMillis = millis();
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

Sorry, didn't mean to mess up the lesson :frowning:

i need the led light to stay on for 4 seconds even though the switch is not being closed. also, i want the 4 seconds to reset if the arduino sees the switch closed before the 4 seconds has passed. if arduino does not the switch closed after 4 seconds, the the light should go off.
thanks to everyone that replied.


See this example.

Will you explain what happens in the example in reply #7?