Need help uploading sketches wirelessly

I recently bought this Osoyoo robotics kit from amazon to tinker with as a beginner. Currently the only way to upload sketches from IDE is to have it plugged into my computer however this is extremely inconvenient, and I want to simply upload them wirelessly through either Bluetooth or Wifi. Is there a way to do this with my current parts as listed below? It was made by a Chinese company the information provided isn't very clear and I can't seem to find answers on the internet. If it's impossible for me to do so currently, would you guys have any recommendations on parts that I can buy to allow for wireless uploads of sketches.

Relevant Parts:
Mega 2560 board
Uart Wifi shield
HC-02 Bluetooth module

If you need any more information, please let me know, thank you for any help.

No, it is not possible in any practical sense. The upload depends on a DTR pulse connected to reset, which can not be transmitted via Bluetooth.

Thats unfortunate, I guess Ill just have to live with it though, I appreciate the response

Maybe these will help.

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