Needed Guidance for my Project

Hi there,
I am a student new in this Arduino field and working on my current project, so please someone can guide me on following things:

  1. Is ABP2DANT150PGAA5XX pressure sensor compatible with ESP32?
  2. How can I connect the ESP32 with ABP2DANT150PGAA5XX pressure sensor?
  3. Can I use the above-mentioned sensor for Air compressor?
  4. Is the above-mentioned sensor calibrated or we have to calibrate it manually?
    Here is the link for the sensor: ABP2DANT150PGAA5XX Honeywell - Indus Automation

Do you have a link to this sensor or are you assuming that everyone already knows it by heart?

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Yes I have Updated the link

Welcome to the forum

It looks like the sensor outputs an analogue value of between 10% and 90% of the 5V supply voltage proportional to the pressure and that it has a range of 150 PSI

You should be able to read its output using an analogue input of the ESP32 and I would expect that you will need to calibrate it and use a stable 5V supply to get meaningful and repeatable results

What application area are you planning to use it in ?

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Thanks for your reply. I am going to use it into reciprocating air compressor.

The analog inputs on the ESP32 chip are infamous for their faults. They are not linear, they have an offset, and other faults, I understand. So use them to begin, but if discover you need higher accuracy, I would recommend adding an ADS1015 external ADC chip.


Ok got your point. Thanks for your recommendation.

Another option might be the UNO-R4-WiFi. That gives you the ESP32 onboard for the WiFi part, but uses a different chip with a much better ADC to run the program.

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Ok got it.

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