It looks like the sensor outputs an analogue value of between 10% and 90% of the 5V supply voltage proportional to the pressure and that it has a range of 150 PSI
You should be able to read its output using an analogue input of the ESP32 and I would expect that you will need to calibrate it and use a stable 5V supply to get meaningful and repeatable results
What application area are you planning to use it in ?
The analog inputs on the ESP32 chip are infamous for their faults. They are not linear, they have an offset, and other faults, I understand. So use them to begin, but if discover you need higher accuracy, I would recommend adding an ADS1015 external ADC chip.
Another option might be the UNO-R4-WiFi. That gives you the ESP32 onboard for the WiFi part, but uses a different chip with a much better ADC to run the program.