A total beginner here , i am currently working on a project where I am trying to rotate nema 23 using tb6600 driver , arduino uno and a power supply of 24V.
// Pin Definitions
#define dirPin 2 // Direction
#define stepPin 3 // Step Pulse
#define enaPin 4 // Enable Motor
#define STPR 200 // Steps per Revolution
// Variables
int stepDelay = 600; // Delay between steps in microseconds
int stepsToMove = STPR * 2; // Number of steps to move (2 revolutions)
void setup() {
// Set pin modes
pinMode(enaPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(enaPin, LOW); // Enable motor
pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Move 2 revolutions in clockwise direction
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); // Set direction to clockwise
for (int i = 0; i < stepsToMove; i++) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
delay(1000); // Delay for 1 second
The above code is rotating the arduino by an angle of only 180* instead of 720* even though I have chosen the microstepping as a full step and current as 3Amps on the driver tb6600.
No. Increase the delay on the line after stepPin, LOW. That sets the delay between steps.
void loop() {
// Move 2 revolutions in clockwise direction
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); // Set direction to clockwise
for (int i = 0; i < stepsToMove; i++) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
delay(1000); // Delay for 1 second
Stepper motors have inertia, they obey the laws of physics so won't be able to jump from a standstill to 833 steps a second instantly, so the motor will miss-step or stall.
You have to ramp the speed up, for instance like the AccelStepper library.
If you find that you need acceleration to get the speed that you want, try the MobaTools libraray. It will do non-blocking acceleration. I find it easier to learn and use than AccelStepper. MobaTools is available for installation via the IDE library manager.
How are the DIP switches (microstepping) set on the stepper driver? Post a photo.
Hi man , firstly thanks a lot for your reply. I got my stepper motor to work. There is another problem that I am facing now , I want my stepper motor to run at low rpms without missing any steps , any idea how could that be done.
#include <Servo.h> //Servo library
// Pin Definitions
#define dirPin 2 // Direction
#define stepPin 3 // Step Pulse
#define enaPin 4 // Enable Motor
#define STPR 200 // Steps per Revolution
Servo myservo; //Servo name is myservo
// Variables
int stepDelay = 1000; // Delay between steps in microseconds
int stepsToMove = 540; // Number of steps to move (5 steps = 5*(1.8) = 9 , since gear ration 6:1 , main motor would move by 1.5* and 360/240nails=1.5 degrees)
void setup() {
// myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo signal pin on pin D6
// Set pin modes
pinMode(enaPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(enaPin, LOW); // Enable motor
pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); // Set direction to clockwise
for (int i = 0; i < stepsToMove; i++) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
delay(2000); // Delay for 1 second
This code works just fine , however I want to reduce the rpms and for that when I increase the stepDelay to say something like 2000 , the entire things stops working after say 1-2 rotations.
Any ideas how could it be done . Complete beginner here , any help would be appreciated.
This is the dataSheet for my nema 23 stepper motor , The power supply has a rated output of 24V at 3A , and on the tb6600 , I am using the current setting corresponding to 2.8A denoted by off , off , on positions
Also i plan on controlling a servo motor from the same arduino in a sequential manner , that's why a part of it is commented in the code , currently trying to figure out how to run the stepper at low rpms
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Does nothing? Vibrates? How do you get it working again?
At a first glance I cannot see anything wrong in your settings. For a test you could try reducing the current. Can you show a photo of your setup where all wiring can be seen?
It entirely stops , i then have to switch off the power supply to get it to work again but it stops again after 1-2 revolutions , only when I have a stepDelayTime which is pretty small does it work properly , but having a small delay time results in a high rpm which I don't want.
This is my stepper motor nema 23 I am actually trying to make it rotate another wheel like structure which has gears in the ratio 6:1 as visible from the images below , I would like the stepper motor to move as slowly as possible since moving it at high speeds is causing the bigger wheel to move abruptly , the larger wheel is unable to move accurately when nema 23 is moving at high rpms.
for (int i = 0; i < stepsToMove; i++) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
I tried to increase the time between the start of the next signal and current signal as delayMicroseconds(3000); but this is making the motor make loud noises and is also making it stop although being able to move it at speeds it is running at with this code is something I would have liked.
Usually a stepper can be moved as slowly as you like. To tell the truth, in the moment I don't have any idea what could be your problem...
Maybe someone else has an idea.