The Arduino IDE v2 have been working well on my laptop and desktop PC. Suddenly the exact same sketch that I load from my PC fails when loaded on my ESP32 a (it reboots exactly on the same place), but when loaded from my laptop the microcontroller works fine. This happened a number of months ago on another PC and luckily I rarely use that PC, But now its happened on my main PC. They are both running version 2 IDE. I did have version 1.8 on the PC and it did the same thing. I uninstalled the IDE and reinstalled, I have also tried different USB ports on my PC. It worked fine when I used it last week and now it does not work not. Not sure what had changed since last week? I then loaded Arduino IDE onto my wife's PC and copied over the library folder from the "faulty" IDE PC and loaded on the sketch and it failed on the ESP32. I then loaded the libraries from the "good" laptop and the sketch failed. I then changed the version of the board library down from 2.0.12 to 1.06 to the same as on the laptop and the sketch worked on the "bad" PC. So it is the boards manager, but why?? I will try upgrade a few steps at a time and find which board version makes it fail.
You are aware that without the code it is just guess work.
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