STMicroelectronics and Arduino Launch Cooperation to Expand Maker-Community Access to STM32 MCUs and Sensors.
yeah, nice, but where can I get one?
Does not look like it's for sale yet but here is where your likely to get it when it happens.
Technically it looks great, but what sort of corporate morons release a non-Open Source board into an Open Source ecosystem?
ST clearly have no clue about Open Source, and I'm not sure about Arduino Srl either. Let's hope it gets some cheap clones.
but what sort of corporate morons release a non-Open Source board into an Open Source ecosystem?
Are new LLC Intel boards (Galileo and Edison) open hardware ?
If they were actually openhardware and opensource Chinese copies should already exist, or oddly there is none, amazing isn't it!
ST clearly have no clue about Open Source, and I'm not sure about Arduino Srl either. Let's hope it gets some cheap clones.
Contrary to what you say ST know opensource see:
It is not good to bash systematicaly without learning before.
And 50 % of STM32 I/O are 5v tolerant, Atmel = 0.
Are new LLC Intel boards (Galileo and Edison) open hardware ?
If they were actually openhardware and opensource Chinese copies should already exist, or oddly there is none, amazing isn't it!
Completely irrelevant. Anyway, my comment still applies.
Contrary to what you say ST know opensource see:
OpenSTM32 Community Site | HomePage
Bullshit, that is nothing to do with the STMicroelectronics company, it's third party, and anyway that's just an Eclipse IDE that is already Open Source, not hardware. There is no IP contributed by ST. If you want to nitpick, talk about mBed.
It is not good to bash systematicaly without learning before.
Same to you. You are wrong on all aspects.
Useful contribution: 0.
I believe the bigger question is whether will manage to support the software side well.
ARD-OTTO-STM32 was featured in the January 2017 ST microcontroller news email, does it give hope that we would eventually see one for sale?
ARD-OTTO-STM32 was featured in the January 2017 ST microcontroller news email, does it give hope that we would eventually see one for sale?
If your sick of waiting then consider having a look at STM32duino as there are several STM32 Arm chips supported and ST are starting to develop HAL's to support Arduino enviroment.
I could not resist to invest 3.50$ with free shipping for stm32f103 dev board, waiting for arrival:
I could not resist to invest 3.50$ with free shipping for stm32f103 dev board, waiting for arrival:
Looks like it's well supported...
May or June I guess.
There seems to be a timescale of 1 year from initial announcement to actual sale (first announced May 2016). They are on v2 of the hardware, hope they don't need a v3...
1 year from announced to shipping is actually pretty standard. Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Zero and Arduino Due were all 1 year or more from initially announced to actually shipping.
Yes, that was the whole point of my post, historical precedent. Thank you for summarising.
Latest rumor is that "board is in production; will be available end of April". No word on pricing.
Anyway, who releases this kind of crap? No new.cpp
void setup()
char* p;
p = new char(10);
delete [] p;
otto.ino.cpp:(.text._Z5setupv+0x4): warning: undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned int)'
otto.ino.cpp:(.text._Z5setupv+0x10): warning: undefined reference to `operator delete[](void*)'
Rushed and unsupported, but version 1.0.1
And... where can I buy some OTTO's
Latest rumor is that "board is in production; will be available end of April". No word on pricing.
Well, now end of May, still no launch, but a lucky few have bought one at the Maker Faire.
I wonder if this will go the way of the Tre...
I wonder if Musto leaving will have any impact on Star Otto and other unreleased stuff from the side?