Newbie here--Need help with program changes for MIDI Controller

I'm working on this project from Notes and Volts:

DL here:

I'm trying to add the ability to send program changes.

I've added 3=PC to this section:

//***DEFINE DIRECTLY CONNECTED BUTTONS*******************************
//Button (Pin Number, Command, Note Number, Channel, Debounce Time)
//** Command parameter 0=NOTE  1=CC  2=Toggle CC  3=PC **

I've also added a case 3 to this section, leaving out the value--as program changes don't have a value:

void updateButtons() {

 // Cycle through Button array
 for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_BUTTONS; i = i + 1) {
   byte message = BUTTONS[i]->getValue();

   //  Button is pressed
   if (message == 0) {
     switch (BUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
       case 0: //Note
         MIDI.sendNoteOn(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
       case 1: //CC
         MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
       case 2: //Toggle
         if (BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 0) {
           MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
           BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 1;
         else if (BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 1) {
           MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
           BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 0;
       case 3: //PC
         MIDI.sendProgramChange(127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);

   //  Button is not pressed
   if (message == 1) {
     switch (BUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
       case 0:
         MIDI.sendNoteOff(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
       case 1:
         MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
       case 3:
         MIDI.sendProgramChange(0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);

I can compile the sketch with no errors, and the control change buttons work fine. But the buttons assigned to program change just change my effects unit to the first patch, no matter what MIDI note number I assign to them. As I said, I'm a newbie. Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong? Thanks in advance.

If You attach both code and error report using code tags, </>, up left on the menue, more members will read You.
What is the point where things work as You want? The description doesn't tell very much.

For starters, you failed to read and follow the rules for how to post a question along with your code. No one can help you when you post incomplete code that does not compile.

How to use this forum

Sorry--I fixed the code.
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I'm not receiving any error messages. However, the buttons assigned to program change are not changing programs on the MIDI device.
Again, I apologize for posting incorrectly.

No apologies necessary but you’re still missing an important point.

Can I copy your code by clicking on the “select” link in the code box, drop it into the IDE and compile it without errors? The answer is no, it’s just a subroutine.

Please post your complete program if you want help. The reason we ask for complete code is not because we want to nit-pick hundreds or even thousands of lines code, it’s because the mistake is almost never where you think it is.

OK, I understand.
The original sketch is here:

#include <MIDI.h>
#include "Controller.h"


  by Notes and Volts

  Version 1.2 **Arduino UNO ONLY!**


//***SET THE NUMBER OF CONTROLS USED**************************
//---How many buttons are connected directly to pins?---------
//---How many potentiometers are connected directly to pins?--
byte NUMBER_POTS = 0;
//---How many buttons are connected to a multiplexer?---------
//---How many potentiometers are connected to a multiplexer?--

//***ANY MULTIPLEXERS? (74HC4067)************************************
//MUX address pins must be connected to Arduino UNO pins 2,3,4,5
//A0 = PIN2, A1 = PIN3, A2 = PIN4, A3 = PIN5
//Mux NAME (OUTPUT PIN, , How Many Mux Pins?(8 or 16) , Is It Analog?);

//Mux M1(10, 16, false); //Digital multiplexer on Arduino pin 10
//Mux M2(A5, 8, true); //Analog multiplexer on Arduino analog pin A0

//Pot (Pin Number, Command, CC Control, Channel Number)
//**Command parameter is for future use**

//Pot PO1(A0, 0, 1, 1);
//Pot PO2(A1, 0, 10, 1);
//Pot PO3(A2, 0, 22, 1);
//Pot PO4(A3, 0, 118, 1);
//Pot PO5(A4, 0, 30, 1);
//Pot PO6(A5, 0, 31, 1);
//Add pots used to array below like this->  Pot *POTS[] {&PO1, &PO2, &PO3, &PO4, &PO5, &PO6};
Pot *POTS[] {};

//***DEFINE DIRECTLY CONNECTED BUTTONS*******************************
//Button (Pin Number, Command, Note Number, Channel, Debounce Time)
//** Command parameter 0=NOTE  1=CC  2=Toggle CC **

//Button BU1(2, 0, 60, 1, 5 );
//Button BU2(3, 0, 61, 1, 5 );
//Button BU3(4, 0, 62, 1, 5 );
//Button BU4(5, 0, 63, 1, 5 );
//Button BU5(6, 0, 64, 1, 5 );
//Button BU6(7, 0, 65, 1, 5 );
//Button BU7(8, 1, 64, 1, 5 );
//Button BU8(9, 2, 64, 1, 5 );
//Add buttons used to array below like this->  Button *BUTTONS[] {&BU1, &BU2, &BU3, &BU4, &BU5, &BU6, &BU7, &BU8};
Button *BUTTONS[] {};

//Button::Button(Mux mux, byte muxpin, byte command, byte value, byte channel, byte debounce)
//** Command parameter 0=NOTE  1=CC  2=Toggle CC **

//Button MBU1(M1, 0, 0, 70, 1, 5);
//Button MBU2(M1, 1, 1, 71, 1, 5);
//Button MBU3(M1, 2, 2, 72, 1, 5);
//Button MBU4(M1, 3, 0, 73, 1, 5);
//Button MBU5(M1, 4, 0, 74, 1, 5);
//Button MBU6(M1, 5, 0, 75, 1, 5);
//Button MBU7(M1, 6, 0, 76, 1, 5);
//Button MBU8(M1, 7, 0, 77, 1, 5);
//Button MBU9(M1, 8, 0, 78, 1, 5);
//Button MBU10(M1, 9, 0, 79, 1, 5);
//Button MBU11(M1, 10, 0, 80, 1, 5);
//Button MBU12(M1, 11, 0, 81, 1, 5);
//Button MBU13(M1, 12, 0, 82, 1, 5);
//Button MBU14(M1, 13, 0, 83, 1, 5);
//Button MBU15(M1, 14, 0, 84, 1, 5);
//Button MBU16(M1, 15, 0, 85, 1, 5);
////Add multiplexed buttons used to array below like this->  Button *MUXBUTTONS[] {&MBU1, &MBU2, &MBU3, &MBU4, &MBU5, &MBU6.....};
Button *MUXBUTTONS[] {};


//Pot::Pot(Mux mux, byte muxpin, byte command, byte control, byte channel)
//**Command parameter is for future use**

//Pot MPO1(M2, 0, 0, 1, 1);
//Pot MPO2(M2, 1, 0, 7, 1);
//Pot MPO3(M2, 2, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO4(M2, 3, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO5(M2, 4, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO6(M2, 5, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO7(M2, 6, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO8(M2, 7, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO9(M2, 8, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO10(M2, 9, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO11(M2, 10, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO12(M2, 11, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO13(M2, 12, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO14(M2, 13, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO15(M2, 14, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO16(M2, 15, 0, 55, 2);
//Add multiplexed pots used to array below like this->  Pot *MUXPOTS[] {&MPO1, &MPO2, &MPO3, &MPO4, &MPO5, &MPO6.....};
Pot *MUXPOTS[] {};

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (NUMBER_BUTTONS != 0) updateButtons();
  if (NUMBER_POTS != 0) updatePots();
  if (NUMBER_MUX_BUTTONS != 0) updateMuxButtons();
  if (NUMBER_MUX_POTS != 0) updateMuxPots();

void updateButtons() {

  // Cycle through Button array
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_BUTTONS; i = i + 1) {
    byte message = BUTTONS[i]->getValue();

    //  Button is pressed
    if (message == 0) {
      switch (BUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
        case 0: //Note
          MIDI.sendNoteOn(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 1: //CC
          MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 2: //Toggle
          if (BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 0) {
            MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
            BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 1;
          else if (BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 1) {
            MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
            BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 0;

    //  Button is not pressed
    if (message == 1) {
      switch (BUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
        case 0:
          MIDI.sendNoteOff(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 1:
          MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
void updateMuxButtons() {

  // Cycle through Mux Button array
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_MUX_BUTTONS; i = i + 1) {

    byte message = MUXBUTTONS[i]->getValue();

    //  Button is pressed
    if (message == 0) {
      switch (MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
        case 0: //Note
          MIDI.sendNoteOn(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 1: //CC
          MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 2: //Toggle
          if (MUXBUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 0) {
            MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
            MUXBUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 1;
          else if (MUXBUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 1) {
            MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
            MUXBUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 0;
    //  Button is not pressed
    if (message == 1) {
      switch (MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
        case 0:
          MIDI.sendNoteOff(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 1:
          MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
void updatePots() {
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_POTS; i = i + 1) {
    byte potmessage = POTS[i]->getValue();
    if (potmessage != 255) MIDI.sendControlChange(POTS[i]->Pcontrol, potmessage, POTS[i]->Pchannel);
void updateMuxPots() {
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_MUX_POTS; i = i + 1) {
    byte potmessage = MUXPOTS[i]->getValue();
    if (potmessage != 255) MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXPOTS[i]->Pcontrol, potmessage, MUXPOTS[i]->Pchannel);

The folder also includes the following:

#include "Controller.h"

Mux::Mux(byte outpin_, byte numPins_, bool analog_)
  outpin = outpin_;
  //enablepin = enablepin_;
  numPins = numPins_;
  analog = analog_;
  if (analog == false) pinMode(outpin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  //pinMode(enablepin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
  if (numPins > 8) pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
//Button (Pin Number, Command, Note Number, Channel, Debounce Time)
Button::Button(byte pin, byte command, byte value, byte channel, byte debounce)
  _pin = pin;
  pinMode(_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  _value = value;
  _command = command;
  _debounce = debounce;
  _time = 0;
  _busy = false;
  _status = 0b00000010;
  _last = 1;
  Bcommand = command;
  Bvalue = value;
  Bchannel = channel;
  Btoggle = 0;

Button::Button(Mux mux, byte muxpin, byte command, byte value, byte channel, byte debounce)
  _pin = mux.outpin;
  _numMuxPins = mux.numPins;
  _muxpin = muxpin;
  _value = value;
  _command = command;
  _debounce = debounce;
  _time = 0;
  _busy = false;
  _status = 0b00000010;
  _last = 1;
  Bcommand = command;
  Bvalue = value;
  Bchannel = channel;
  Btoggle = 0;

void Button::muxUpdate()
  byte temp = _muxpin;
  temp = temp << 2;
  if (_numMuxPins > 8) PORTD = PORTD & B11000011;
  else PORTD = PORTD & B11100011;
  PORTD = PORTD | temp;

byte Button::getValue()
  // If BUSY bit not set - read button
  if (bitRead(_status, 0) == false) { // If busy false
    if (digitalRead(_pin) == _last) return 2; // If same as last state - exit

  // If NEW Bit set - Key just pressed, record time
  if (bitRead(_status, 1) == true) { // If new is true
    bitSet(_status, 0); // Set busy TRUE
    bitClear(_status, 1); // Set New FALSE
    _time = millis();
    return 255;

  // Check if debounce time has passed - If no, exit
  if (millis() - _time < _debounce) return 255;

  // Debounce time has passed. Read pin to see if still set the same
  // If it has changed back - assume false alarm
  if (digitalRead(_pin) == _last) {
    bitClear(_status, 0); // Set busy false
    bitSet(_status, 1); // Set new true
    return 255;

  // If this point is reached, event is valid. return event type
  else {
    bitClear(_status, 0); // Set busy false
    bitSet(_status, 1); // Set new true
    _last = ((~_last) & 0b00000001); // invert _last
    return _last;

void Button::newValue(byte command, byte value, byte channel)
  Bvalue = value;
  Bcommand = command;
  Bchannel = channel;

Pot::Pot(byte pin, byte command, byte control, byte channel)
  _pin = pin;
  _control = control;
  _value = analogRead(_pin);
  _value = _value >> 3;
  _oldValue = _value << 3;
  _value = _value << 3;
  Pcommand = command;
  Pcontrol = control;
  Pchannel = channel;

void Pot::muxUpdate()
  byte temp = _muxpin;
  temp = temp << 2;
  if (_numMuxPins > 8) PORTD = PORTD & B11000011;
  else PORTD = PORTD & B11100011;
  //PORTD = PORTD & B11000011;
  PORTD = PORTD | temp;

Pot::Pot(Mux mux, byte muxpin, byte command, byte control, byte channel)
  _pin = mux.outpin;
  _numMuxPins = mux.numPins;
  _muxpin = muxpin;
  _control = control;
  _value = analogRead(_pin);
  _value = _value >> 3;
  _oldValue = _value << 3;
  _value = _value << 3;
  Pcommand = command;
  Pcontrol = control;
  Pchannel = channel;

byte Pot::getValue()
  _value = analogRead(_pin);
  int tmp = (_oldValue - _value);
  if (tmp >= 8 || tmp <= -8) {
    _oldValue = _value >> 3;
    _oldValue = _oldValue << 3;
    return _value >> 3;
  return 255;

void Pot::newValue(byte command, byte value, byte channel) {
  Pcommand = command;
  Pcontrol = value;
  Pchannel = channel;


#ifndef Controller_h
#define Controller_h

#include <Arduino.h>

class Mux
    Mux(byte outpin_, byte numPins_, bool analog_);
    byte outpin;
    byte numPins;
    bool analog;
//Button (Pin Number, Command, Note Number, Channel, Debounce Time)
class Button
    Button(byte pin, byte command, byte value, byte channel, byte debounce);
    Button(Mux mux, byte muxpin, byte command, byte value, byte channel, byte debounce);
    byte getValue();
    void muxUpdate();
    void newValue(byte command, byte value, byte channel);
    byte Bcommand;
    byte Bvalue;
    byte Bchannel;
    byte Btoggle;

    byte _previous;
    byte _current;
    unsigned long _time;
    int _debounce;
    byte _pin;
    byte _muxpin;
    byte _numMuxPins;
    byte _value;
    byte _command;
    bool _busy;
    byte _status;
    byte _last;
    byte _enablepin;
class Pot
    Pot(byte pin, byte command, byte control, byte channel);
    Pot(Mux mux, byte muxpin ,byte command, byte control, byte channel);
    void muxUpdate();
    void newValue(byte command, byte value, byte channel);
    byte getValue();
    byte Pcommand;
    byte Pcontrol;
    byte Pchannel;

    byte _pin;
    byte _muxpin;
    byte _numMuxPins;
    byte _control;
    int _value;
    int _oldValue;
    bool _changed;
    byte _enablepin;

As well as the Arduino MIDI Library.

I made the following changes to the original sketch:

#include <MIDI.h>
#include "Controller.h"


  by Notes and Volts

  Version 1.2 **Arduino UNO ONLY!**


//***SET THE NUMBER OF CONTROLS USED**************************
//---How many buttons are connected directly to pins?---------
//---How many potentiometers are connected directly to pins?--
byte NUMBER_POTS = 0;
//---How many buttons are connected to a multiplexer?---------
//---How many potentiometers are connected to a multiplexer?--

//***ANY MULTIPLEXERS? (74HC4067)************************************
//MUX address pins must be connected to Arduino UNO pins 2,3,4,5
//A0 = PIN2, A1 = PIN3, A2 = PIN4, A3 = PIN5
//Mux NAME (OUTPUT PIN, , How Many Mux Pins?(8 or 16) , Is It Analog?);

//Mux M1(10, 16, false); //Digital multiplexer on Arduino pin 10
//Mux M2(A5, 8, true); //Analog multiplexer on Arduino analog pin A0

//Pot (Pin Number, Command, CC Control, Channel Number)
//**Command parameter is for future use**

//Pot PO1(A0, 0, 1, 1);
//Pot PO2(A1, 0, 10, 1);
//Pot PO3(A2, 0, 22, 1);
//Pot PO4(A3, 0, 118, 1);
//Pot PO5(A4, 0, 30, 1);
//Pot PO6(A5, 0, 31, 1);
//Add pots used to array below like this->  Pot *POTS[] {&PO1, &PO2, &PO3, &PO4, &PO5, &PO6};
Pot *POTS[] {};

//***DEFINE DIRECTLY CONNECTED BUTTONS*******************************
//Button (Pin Number, Command, Note Number, Channel, Debounce Time)
//** Command parameter 0=NOTE  1=CC  2=Toggle CC  3=PC **

Button BU1(2, 3, 127, 1, 5 );
Button BU2(3, 3, 126, 1, 5 );
Button BU3(4, 3, 125, 1, 5 );
Button BU4(5, 2, 5, 1, 5 );
Button BU5(6, 2, 6, 1, 5 );
Button BU6(7, 2, 7, 1, 5 );
//Button BU7(8, 1, 64, 1, 5 );
//Button BU8(9, 2, 64, 1, 5 );
//Add buttons used to array below like this->  Button *BUTTONS[] {&BU1, &BU2, &BU3, &BU4, &BU5, &BU6, &BU7, &BU8};
Button *BUTTONS[] {&BU1, &BU2, &BU3, &BU4, &BU5, &BU6};

//Button::Button(Mux mux, byte muxpin, byte command, byte value, byte channel, byte debounce)
//** Command parameter 0=NOTE  1=CC  2=Toggle CC **

//Button MBU1(M1, 0, 0, 70, 1, 5);
//Button MBU2(M1, 1, 1, 71, 1, 5);
//Button MBU3(M1, 2, 2, 72, 1, 5);
//Button MBU4(M1, 3, 0, 73, 1, 5);
//Button MBU5(M1, 4, 0, 74, 1, 5);
//Button MBU6(M1, 5, 0, 75, 1, 5);
//Button MBU7(M1, 6, 0, 76, 1, 5);
//Button MBU8(M1, 7, 0, 77, 1, 5);
//Button MBU9(M1, 8, 0, 78, 1, 5);
//Button MBU10(M1, 9, 0, 79, 1, 5);
//Button MBU11(M1, 10, 0, 80, 1, 5);
//Button MBU12(M1, 11, 0, 81, 1, 5);
//Button MBU13(M1, 12, 0, 82, 1, 5);
//Button MBU14(M1, 13, 0, 83, 1, 5);
//Button MBU15(M1, 14, 0, 84, 1, 5);
//Button MBU16(M1, 15, 0, 85, 1, 5);
////Add multiplexed buttons used to array below like this->  Button *MUXBUTTONS[] {&MBU1, &MBU2, &MBU3, &MBU4, &MBU5, &MBU6.....};
Button *MUXBUTTONS[] {};


//Pot::Pot(Mux mux, byte muxpin, byte command, byte control, byte channel)
//**Command parameter is for future use**

//Pot MPO1(M2, 0, 0, 1, 1);
//Pot MPO2(M2, 1, 0, 7, 1);
//Pot MPO3(M2, 2, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO4(M2, 3, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO5(M2, 4, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO6(M2, 5, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO7(M2, 6, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO8(M2, 7, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO9(M2, 8, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO10(M2, 9, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO11(M2, 10, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO12(M2, 11, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO13(M2, 12, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO14(M2, 13, 0, 55, 2);
//Pot MPO15(M2, 14, 0, 50, 1);
//Pot MPO16(M2, 15, 0, 55, 2);
//Add multiplexed pots used to array below like this->  Pot *MUXPOTS[] {&MPO1, &MPO2, &MPO3, &MPO4, &MPO5, &MPO6.....};
Pot *MUXPOTS[] {};

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (NUMBER_BUTTONS != 0) updateButtons();
  if (NUMBER_POTS != 0) updatePots();
  if (NUMBER_MUX_BUTTONS != 0) updateMuxButtons();
  if (NUMBER_MUX_POTS != 0) updateMuxPots();

void updateButtons() {

  // Cycle through Button array
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_BUTTONS; i = i + 1) {
    byte message = BUTTONS[i]->getValue();

    //  Button is pressed
    if (message == 0) {
      switch (BUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
        case 0: //Note
          MIDI.sendNoteOn(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 1: //CC
          MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 2: //Toggle
          if (BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 0) {
            MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
            BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 1;
          else if (BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 1) {
            MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
            BUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 0;
        case 3: //PC
          MIDI.sendProgramChange(127, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);

    //  Button is not pressed
    if (message == 1) {
      switch (BUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
        case 0:
          MIDI.sendNoteOff(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 1:
          MIDI.sendControlChange(BUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 3:
          MIDI.sendProgramChange(0, BUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
void updateMuxButtons() {

  // Cycle through Mux Button array
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_MUX_BUTTONS; i = i + 1) {

    byte message = MUXBUTTONS[i]->getValue();

    //  Button is pressed
    if (message == 0) {
      switch (MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
        case 0: //Note
          MIDI.sendNoteOn(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 1: //CC
          MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 2: //Toggle
          if (MUXBUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 0) {
            MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 127, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
            MUXBUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 1;
          else if (MUXBUTTONS[i]->Btoggle == 1) {
            MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
            MUXBUTTONS[i]->Btoggle = 0;
    //  Button is not pressed
    if (message == 1) {
      switch (MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bcommand) {
        case 0:
          MIDI.sendNoteOff(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
        case 1:
          MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bvalue, 0, MUXBUTTONS[i]->Bchannel);
void updatePots() {
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_POTS; i = i + 1) {
    byte potmessage = POTS[i]->getValue();
    if (potmessage != 255) MIDI.sendControlChange(POTS[i]->Pcontrol, potmessage, POTS[i]->Pchannel);
void updateMuxPots() {
  for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_MUX_POTS; i = i + 1) {
    byte potmessage = MUXPOTS[i]->getValue();
    if (potmessage != 255) MIDI.sendControlChange(MUXPOTS[i]->Pcontrol, potmessage, MUXPOTS[i]->Pchannel);

Hope I got everything.

BTW, the MIDI Library is here:

And, once again for clarification, I am not getting any error messages. The problem is that the program change buttons are not changing to the assigned program. They are instead just changing to the first program on the multieffects unit I am trying to control--no matter which button I press.