Hi all I'm very new to arduino and need advice
I like to use animation for Halloween and xmas decorations to entertain the children in our local area and in the past have used Frightprops controllers but have found them very limited and they have failed on many occasions
I would like to use arduino to control a few props for this Christmas but I'm short on time now and although I have been working through the many basic lessons and watched many YouTube videos I'm getting confused
I have purchased a number of nema stepper motors and drivers used on some of the videos but not had much success so far but as I'm not sure with the code I'm not giving up on that yet
However I have a couple of Frightprops wiper motors 12v dc which have 3 wires a fast, slow and ground connection I would like to use them to drive a simple pulley system that goes in one direction then can then reverse I would like to have some ambient sound and a scene sound track activated using a pir motion sensor
How easy would this be ? And what code would I need or am I expecting too much with my limited knowledge any help and advice would be very welcome
Welcome to the forum.
Can you post specs/data on the Frightprops wiper motors please?
Thanks.. Tom..
Hi and thank you for the welcome
I am working today and my project is very much a spare time hobby
The only information I have on the motors is shown in the attachment I don't know if this is any help
Do you have different types of Frightprop motors? In your post you state the motors have three wires, ground, slow, and fast but the spec sheet you provided shows a fixed speed motor with two wires.
Yes I have a 3 wire motor a wire for fast speed a wire for slow and a ground if you reverse the ground with either of the other wires the motor will run in opposite direction
I'm at work today and the info I supplied was from Frightprops site on my mobile I will try and find the right information when I can get on my pc
I should add when using with fright props controller you only connect either the fast or slow wire and the ground so only use 2 wires
Ok here is a link to a video for the fright prop motor
I would like to be able to run it long enough to allow a small snowman to ski about 3ft down the roof and then change direction to pull him back up to start again when the sketch is triggered
It would be used as a winch working a pulley system to allow the weight to moved easily
Would I have to use something like a l298n driver using pwm and what would the code be to achieve this
ok I have managed to work out my wiper motor problem but now need a little help triggering it
I have my motor connected to a l298n driver
which I have connected to the Arduino
pwm to pin9
in4 to pin8
in3 to pin7
using the following code
void setup()
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
analogWrite(9, 190);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
I have another Arduino running 4 relays using the four banger set up controlled with a pir
with a trigger output on pin 11 and aground I have found out if I connect the trigger pin out 11 to pin 12 and connect the ground this should trigger the Arduino l298n but I think I need a alteration to the code above to get it too work
any ideas
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Can you please post a copy of your sketch, using code tags?
They are made with the </> icon in the reply Menu.
See section 7 http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,148850.0.html
Thanks.. Tom..
hi I think this is what you asked for
void setup()
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
analogWrite(9, 190);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
That's funny!
Hiya Kenb102, I'd suggest that you forget about skiing snowmen for a while, and just concentrate on getting your motors running. They appear to be normal 12 volt geared motors (that draw less than an amp), so any motor driver will work with them. Once you have the motors so you can make them run forward and backward with the Arduino, the rest is carpentry.
I have managed to get motor running forward and backwards I need a means of triggering with a pir I'm using a l298n driver connected to pwm pin 9 speed and direction connected to pins 7 and 8
void setup()
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
analogWrite(9, 190);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
Try that...
Thank you for your help I have my motors running as I need them
I would like to be able to trigger the sketch using a motion sensor but I think that's probably beyond my skills at the moment
I have been studying the code and will work it out eventually