Newbie looking for help

Hello Arduino Community

I want to change my home and make it more smart. Therefore I want to control my Coffeemachine via an ESP8266 and ioBroker.

I came across this manual:
GitHub - chris7topher/SmartPhilips2200: This project contains code for the MQTT connection of a Philips 2200 coffee machine via ESP8266..

I studied this Post a lot but wouldn't understand to adapt this to a different coffemachine.

I thank you in advance for every advice on my first ever arduino project.


What is your programing and electronic experience?

Do you have a MQTT broker picked out or will you be using your own?

Do you have the schematic for your coffee maker?

I have basic programing experience and nearly 0 electronic experience.

I would've used the mosquitto mqtt broker as I dont know how I can use my own.

I didnt buy my coffee maker yet, as I try to get a better understanding of my project. Like is it even possible for me

If you have a computing thingy laying around, I use a Raspberry Pi, one could download Eclipse MQTT broker, its free, install it and now you have your own MQTT Broker thingy.

I have 13 ESP32's connected to my MQTT Broker. I can set my HAVC through my web site or see which animals are at the feeding bin, or water my plants, or check on humidity levels in the house, or a host of other things one can do with 13 ESP32's.

Does your coffee maker have digital controls or switches?

Please provide a make and model for it.

I would've used the ESP8266 microcontroller as he explained it in the video. Can i download it also there? This is also my longterm goal to make my home much smarter and automate many things.

MQTT BROKER DOES NOT RUN ON A ESP8266. The ESP8266 can be a client of the MQTT Broker.

MQTT Broker can be run on your desktop computer, a Raspberry Pi, a BeagleBone.

I will get a cheap coffeemaker. This one will have 2-3 buttons.

Krups Essenza Mini (NESPRESSO Original) - kaufen bei digitec

If you get one with switches, then the project will be easy. Just a few 3V opto-isolated relay modules and you're brewing.

Okay thanks for the information, very useful. So your advice would be to get a Raspberry Pi and download Eclipse as my own MQTT Broker thingy. Then do the coding in ioBroker?

As i understand the MQTT is the connection between my smartphone and the coffeemaker?

Thanks for this advice, will check this opportunity and learn how I have to work with these 3V opto-isolated relais.

Hi @effem

welcome to the arduino forum.

I have looked up the GitHub-Repo of the original project.
And I looked into the used code.
Then I watched that part of the video that explains how the ESP8266 is connected to the coffee-machine in the orirignal project:

He is using a special concept that required reverse-engineering the serial communication used fo the display.

This is so specialiesed that you can't use the original code. Only that part of the code that does the MQTT-stuff might be adaptable but I guess it will be less work to write the MQTT-code from scratch than adapting the original MQTT-code.

So I did a duckduckgo for the usermanual. For the machine with the name
"Krups XN1108 Essenza"
I did not cross-check if this is exactly your machine. You should provide the exact usermanual of exact that machine you want to buy.

This XN1108 Essenza manual says: two buttons with lights.
And as your machine is much much simpler that the expresso-autmat in the original project in your machine there will be no main-controller communicating via a serial interface with a display.

That is the reason why you can't use the original code.
As a general statemanet: The microcontroller-world is not superstandardised like USB-devices.
You have to take care of more details than just "does the plug fit into the socket?"

An automatiion of this Krups XN1108 Essenza will be doable, but it requires analysing new

  • how are the buttons connected to the KRUPS-machine-controller
  • how are the LEDs connected to the KRUPS-machine-controller

Realising this means to add soldered wires to the machine inside. Which is a modification where you instantly loose the warranty of the machine.

A work around this would be to create a "finger-automat" which is purely mechanical connected to the original buttons so this mechanic would press the original buttons mechanically using RC-servos

If you have fun doing it in such a way you can do it.
If I understood right you haven't bought any espresso-machine yet. But the machine shall be in the 100-Euro range. Well machines in that priceclass I guess (= not sure knowing) will not have any kind of inbuild internet/smarthome-connectevity.

So my suggestion is to buy a already used cheap Nespresso-machine for 50€ for this and do the modification to become smart with a used machine.

If your main thing is to start home-automation in general I would choose something different that is easier to do.

best regards Stefan

Hello Stefan

Thanks a lot for your extensive review. I had also considered this as a bit too difficult to start with. I have learn much more and maybe then I can restart my Project.

Best regards

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What other ideas do you have for homeautomation?
The Arduino-Forum can also help with reviewing different ideas

best regards Stefan

I want to controll my lightning but its not possible since they all work with switches.

That doesn’t stop it being possible.

You can change the switches, keep the switches or ignore the switches and still automate your lights

with the help of switch bots?

If you want a “switch bot” then that is also possible, even if an odd solution to an easy problem. Most houses have switches for their lights and have no trouble automating them, what peculiarities do you think your switches have that precludes automation?

Since I have no experience I need to work with the stuff I have in my room (dont want to destroy property of my parents).

I have 2-3 lamps with a classic switch (Do it + Garden Arthur - kaufen bei digitec) something like this.

Ok, if it is your parents house I wouldn’t advise messing with stuff and I would suggest keeping away from 240V stuff also.

You can get wifi or other smart bulbs that will achieve what you need. Perhaps best to stick with 12V and under DC stuff for now bearing in mind this stuff can go on fire easily also if wires components not sized correctly.