NewTone Library - Plug-in replacement for Tone library - Better, smaller, faster

Why another tone library?
I'd already written a highly optimized toneAC library because I needed higher volume, volume control, higher frequency, and better quality. However, toneAC uses fixed timer 1 PWM pins so it's not as flexible. Making toneAC work like tone was simple and there would be several advantages over the tone library, so I spent an hour and made NewTone from the toneAC library.

What does it do better/differently?

  • About 1,200 bytes smaller code size than the Tone library.
  • Faster execution time.
  • Exclusive use of port registers for fastest and smallest code.
  • Higher quality sound output than tone library.
  • Uses timer 1 which may free up conflicts with the tone library.

How do I use it?
It's a plug-in replacement for the standard tone library. Add the include, use NewTone() instead of tone() and noNewTone() instead of noTone() to enjoy the benefits. If you're running out of program space or have a timer conflict with the tone library, this is the library for you. See the sketch below for an example.

Download: NewTone v1.0

If you're looking to save even more space and more features like almost twice as loud output and volume control, check out my toneAC library as well.

Example sketch

#include <NewTone.h>

#define TONE_PIN 2 // Pin you have speaker/piezo connected to (be sure to include a 100 ohm resistor).

// Melody (liberated from the toneMelody Arduino example sketch by Tom Igoe).
int melody[] = { 262, 196, 196, 220, 196, 0, 247, 262 };
int noteDurations[] = { 4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };

void setup() {} // Nothing to setup, just start playing!

void loop() {
  for (unsigned long freq = 125; freq <= 15000; freq += 10) {  
    NewTone(TONE_PIN, freq); // Play the frequency (125 Hz to 15 kHz sweep in 10 Hz steps).
    delay(1); // Wait 1 ms so you can hear it.
  noNewTone(TONE_PIN); // Turn off the tone.

  delay(1000); // Wait a second.

  for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) { // Loop through the notes in the array.
    int noteDuration = 1000/noteDurations[thisNote];
    NewTone(TONE_PIN, melody[thisNote], noteDuration); // Play thisNote for noteDuration.
    delay(noteDuration * 4 / 3); // Wait while the tone plays in the background, plus another 33% delay between notes.

  while(1); // Stop (so it doesn't repeat forever driving you crazy--you're welcome).


does it work with mega?

does it work with mega?

Yup, should work with all ATmega microcontrollers. Tested on my Uno and Teensy 2.0, which are totally different. Doesn't hard code port register values so it should work on all platforms. I use the same technique with NewPing and compatibility is universal for any ATmega microcontroller. Will be simple to confirm it works.


Hi have been trying to adapt to use it on Timer "4" on the mega
As i can not use it on Timer 1 as it then conflicts width my PWM signals on the MEGA 2560 ;-(
I am trying to drive a speedometer
as you see i have just tryed to change the 1 to 4 not sure i know what i am doing
Any reply greatly appriciatet :wink:

I have changed here


#define TIMSK4 TIMSK //#define TIMSK1 TIMSK


ICR4 = top; // Set the top.
if (TCNT4 > top) TCNT4 = top; // Counter over the top, put within range.
TCCR4B = _BV(WGM40) | prescaler; // Set PWM, phase and frequency corrected (ICR1) and prescaler.
TIMSK4 |= _BV(OCIE4A); // Activate the timer interrupt.

TIMSK4 &= ~_BV(OCIE4A); // Remove the timer interrupt.
TCCR4B = _BV(CS40); // Default clock prescaler of 8.
TCCR4A = _BV(WGM40); // Set to defaults so PWM can work like normal (PWM, phase corrected, 8bit).

ISR(TIMER4_COMPA_vect) { // Timer interrupt vector.

Hi have been trying to adapt to use it on Timer "4" on the mega
As i can not use it on Timer 1 as it then conflicts width my PWM signals on the MEGA 2560 ;-(
I am trying to drive a speedometer
as you see i have just tryed to change the 1 to 4 not sure i know what i am doing
Any reply greatly appriciatet :wink:

I have changed here


#define TIMSK4 TIMSK //#define TIMSK1 TIMSK


ICR4 = top; // Set the top.
if (TCNT4 > top) TCNT4 = top; // Counter over the top, put within range.
TCCR4B = _BV(WGM40) | prescaler; // Set PWM, phase and frequency corrected (ICR1) and prescaler.
TIMSK4 |= _BV(OCIE4A); // Activate the timer interrupt.

TIMSK4 &= ~_BV(OCIE4A); // Remove the timer interrupt.
TCCR4B = _BV(CS40); // Default clock prescaler of 8.
TCCR4A = _BV(WGM40); // Set to defaults so PWM can work like normal (PWM, phase corrected, 8bit).

ISR(TIMER4_COMPA_vect) { // Timer interrupt vector.

It doesn't just conflict with the PWM signals, it replaces them. It's by design. Instead, why not just use PWM for timer 4 for whatever else you're doing?

One of the main purposes of NewTone is to use a different timer than the standard tone library.

In any case, I don't really know the ATmega2560 to know off the top of my head if there's any differences between timer 1 and timer 4. Are they identical? For example, if timer 4 doesn't have all the features of timer 1, it won't work. It doesn't appear it's identical as it has 3 pins tied to timer 4 while timer 1 only has 2.

Without diving into the ATmega2560 technical documentation, I'll be hard-pressed to help.

Instead, I would suggest using my ToneAC library (there's an alternate version which uses timer 2). It's superior to NewTone anyway and is already written to use timer 2 and can be assigned to any pins.


Hi Thanks for you reply
but i have solved it

Width great help from this Forum :slight_smile:,157602.0.html


this could be awesome if the library was also Due compatible

this could be awesome if the library was also Due compatible

I don't find the Due relevant, so I don't consider support for it. Also, as NewTone uses port registers and direct timer calls, it doesn't really work well for the Due which is totally different than the ATmega.


I don't find the Due relevant, so I don't consider support for it.

Supposedly it is the future as they did not stick with a compatible processor. Many have written suitable timer control libraries so the work would not be from datasheet scratch.

i've some problems using the cool NewTone Library together with RCSwitch-Library (using interrupt on pin 2)

I can play sound several times correctly (always using the same function), and than it suddenly stopps playing any sound, while everything else is working fine.
Shure both libs use timers and this will harm the sound quality, but why isn't it working any more?
PLZ gibe advice what i'm doing wrong or if there's an workaround.

i'm still on arduino 1.0.1 and i'm using an arduino nano V3. The code isn't pretty..sorry for that.

MANY MANY thanks for your replys

#include <RemoteReceiver.h>
#include <RemoteTransmitter.h>
#include <NewRemoteReceiver.h>
#include <InterruptChain.h>
#include <SerialCommand.h>

#include <NewTone.h>

int *currentMelody;
int *currentMelodyDurations;
int currentMelodyPosition = 0;
int currentMelodyLength = 0;
int pace = 1150; // music speed

int melodyBeep[] = {NOTE_C5, NOTE_C6};
int noteDurationsBeep[] = {8, 16};
int melodyBeepLength = 2;

int melodyUp[] = {NOTE_C4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_G4};
int noteDurationsUp[] = {4, 8, 16};  
int melodyUpLength = 3;

int melodyDown[] = {NOTE_G4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_C4};
int noteDurationsDown[] = {4, 8, 16};  
int melodyDownLength = 3;

int melodyAlarm[] = {NOTE_C6, NOTE_G6, NOTE_C6, NOTE_G5, NOTE_C7, NOTE_C6};
int noteDurationsAlarm[] = {16, 16, 8, 8, 4, 8};  
int melodyAlarmLength = 6;

// pin for the piezzo buzzer
const int BuzzerPin = 3;
// set the pin where the RF transmitter is connected to
const int transmitterPin = 4;

//duration of a RF command
const unsigned int period = 326;

boolean playsound = false;
boolean playloop = false;

// amount of identical codes to receiver before trigger showCode function
int CodeRepetitions = 5;

SerialCommand SCmd;   // initialise the SerialCommand object

void setup() {
  // Initialise the serial port
  Serial.println("HomeSecurityRFbridge running on Arduino Nano V3.0");
  // Initialize receiver on interrupt 0 (= digital pin 2), calls the callback "showCode"
  // after CodeRepetitions (3) identical codes have been received in a row. (thus, keep the button pressed
  // for a moment)

  // And once more, interrupt -1 to indicate you will call the interrupt handler with InterruptChain

  // Interrupt -1 to indicate you will call the interrupt handler with InterruptChain
  RemoteReceiver::init(-1, 2, showOldCode);

  // Again, interrupt -1 to indicate you will call the interrupt handler with InterruptChain
  NewRemoteReceiver::init(-1, 2, showNewCode);

  // On interrupt, call the interrupt handlers of remote and sensor receivers
  InterruptChain::addInterruptCallback(0, RemoteReceiver::interruptHandler);
  InterruptChain::addInterruptCallback(0, NewRemoteReceiver::interruptHandler);

 // Serial.print("Setting up callbacks for SerialCommands...");
  // Setup callbacks for SerialCommand commands 
  //Serial.print("hello [optional arg] (replys welcome string or RE:arg) ");
  SCmd.addCommand("hello",SayHello);     // Echos the string argument back
  //Serial.print("|P [arg1] [arg2] (processes two arg commands) ");
  SCmd.addCommand("P",process_command);  // Converts two arguments to integers and echos them back 
  //Serial.print("|S [arg] (sends arg) ");
  SCmd.addCommand("S",process_switch_command);  // Converts two arguments to integers and echos them back 
  SCmd.addCommand("BU",BeepUp);  // Converts two arguments to integers and echos them back 
  SCmd.addCommand("BD",BeepDown);  // Converts two arguments to integers and echos them back 
  SCmd.addCommand("STOP",StopAudio);  // Converts two arguments to integers and echos them back 
  SCmd.addCommand("BEEP",Beep);  // Converts two arguments to integers and echos them back 
  SCmd.addCommand("ALARM",Alarm);  // Converts two arguments to integers and echos them back
  SCmd.setDefaultHandler(unrecognized);  // Handler for command that isn't matched  (says "What?") 


void loop() {
  while (playsound && currentMelodyPosition<currentMelodyLength) {
      int duration = pace/currentMelodyDurations[currentMelodyPosition];//Adjust duration with the pace of music
      int time = millis() + duration*1.2;
      while (millis()<time) {
        SCmd.readSerial();     // We don't do much, just process serial commands
      if (playloop && currentMelodyPosition==currentMelodyLength) {
  SCmd.readSerial();     // We don't do much, just process serial commands

void BeepUp() {
  currentMelody = &melodyUp[0];
  currentMelodyDurations = &noteDurationsUp[0];
  currentMelodyLength = melodyUpLength;
  currentMelodyPosition = 0;
  playsound = true;
  playloop = false;

void BeepDown() {
  currentMelody = &melodyDown[0];
  currentMelodyDurations = &noteDurationsDown[0];
  currentMelodyLength = melodyDownLength;
  currentMelodyPosition = 0;
  playsound = true;
  playloop = false;
//  tone(BuzzerPin,NOTE_C1,1000/2);

void Beep() {
  currentMelody = &melodyBeep[0];
  currentMelodyDurations = &noteDurationsBeep[0];
  currentMelodyLength = melodyBeepLength;
  currentMelodyPosition = 0;
  playsound = true;
  playloop = false;
//  tone(BuzzerPin,NOTE_C3,1000/2);

void Alarm() {
  currentMelody = &melodyAlarm[0];
  currentMelodyDurations = noteDurationsAlarm;
  currentMelodyLength = melodyAlarmLength;
  currentMelodyPosition = 0;
  playsound = true;
  playloop = true;

void StopAudio() {
  playsound = false;
  playloop = false;
  currentMelodyLength = 0;
  currentMelodyPosition = 0;

// shows the received code sent from an old-style remote switch
void showOldCode(unsigned long receivedCode, unsigned int period) {
  // Print the received code.

// Shows the received code sent from an new-style remote switch
void showNewCode(NewRemoteCode receivedCode) {
  // Print the received code.

  if (receivedCode.groupBit) {
  else {

  switch (receivedCode.switchType) {
  case 0:
  case 1:
  case 2:


// process the HELLO command from USB
void SayHello()
  char *arg;  
  arg =;    // Get the next argument from the SerialCommand object buffer
  if (arg != NULL)      // As long as it existed, take it
  else {
    Serial.println("HomeSecurityRFbridge running on Arduino Nano V3.0"); 

// process the serial data from USB
void process_command()    
  long aNumber;  
  char *arg; 

  //Serial.println("arduino is in process_command"); 
  arg =; 
  if (arg != NULL) 
    aNumber=atoi(arg);    // Converts a char string to an integer
    //Serial.print("First argument was: "); 
  else {
    //Serial.println("No arguments"); 

  arg =; 
  if (arg != NULL) 
    //Serial.print("Second argument was: "); 
  else {
    //Serial.println("No second argument"); 


// process the switch command from USB
void process_switch_command()    
  unsigned long CodeToSend;  
  char *arg1; 
  int PeriodToSend;  
  char *arg2; 

  //Serial.println("arduino is in process_switch_command"); 
  arg1 =; 
  if (arg1 != NULL) 
    CodeToSend=atol(arg1);    // Converts a char string to an integer
    //Serial.print("code to send: "); 

    arg2 =; 
    if (arg2 != NULL) 
      //Serial.print("period: "); 
    else {
      //Serial.println("using standard period"); 
      PeriodToSend = period;
  else {
    //Serial.println("No arguments -> no send!"); 


// This gets set as the default handler, and gets called when no other command matches. 
void unrecognized(const char *command) {

void send_switch(unsigned long CodeToSend, unsigned int PeriodToSend)    
  // Disable the receiver; otherwise it might pick up the retransmit as well.

  // Need interrupts for delay()

  // Retransmit the signal 8 times ( == 2^3) on pin 11. Note: no object was created!
  RemoteTransmitter::sendCode(transmitterPin, CodeToSend, PeriodToSend, 3);



I am trying to generate a freq of 1hz till 600khz. I think toneAC can do it but what is the max freq that newtone can generate?

Also can it be used on a Arduino Nano?




This new tone lib is very cool

Thanks a lot !

Here below a sample of french movie picture melody.

#define o3C 262
#define o3Cd 277
#define o3D 294
#define o3Dd 311
#define o3E 330
#define o3F 349
#define o3Fd 370
#define o3G 392
#define o3Gd 415
#define o3A 440
#define o3Ad 466
#define o3B 494
#define o4C 523
#define o4Cd 554
#define o4D 587
#define o4Dd 622
#define o4E 659
#define o4F 698
#define o4Fd 740
#define o4G 784
#define o4Gd 830
#define o4A 880
#define o4Ad 932
#define o4B 988
#define ooo 0

#include <NewTone.h>
#define TONE_PIN 12
int tempo = 650;

// freq,duration, etc .. 
int measures[] = 

void setup() {} 

void loop() 
	for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(measures)/2; i=i+2) 
		if (measures[i]>0) NewTone(TONE_PIN, measures[i], tempo/measures[i+1]); 
		delay(tempo/measures[i+1] * 1.333); 

I would like to made some music to my robot, but I can't use virtualwire lib with new tone lib because timers is sames for both libraries.
I've found another servo lib than original who have same problem. This is fixed.
( it is sofware servo: Arduino Playground - Servo)

But not with virtual wire.

Virtual wire use timer1 (16 bits resolution). NewTone lib too.

some informations found about timers here:

It is possible to unusable or change timer ?


Try my toneAC2 library if you want to use timer 2. Also, the standard tone library also uses timer 2. I wrote NewTone and toneAC to use timer 1 if you were having a timer 2 conflict with something else. If timer 1 is your conflict, use the standard tone library or toneAC2.


Hi Tim,
Thanks for your work on the various tone libraries. I'm presently building a device that uses one to drive a speaker to play music. I have a question about usage of timers and outputs. I'd like to keep the possibility open to produce two channels of output (concurrently.) In other words I'd like to play the main melody on one digital output and harmony on another digital output. I also prefer to stick with one output/channel. Is there a tone library or combination of libraries that can do this?


Brilliant! Solves the < 31 Hz problem of the original.

My application: use with a micro-stepping motor driver that has step and direction inputs. This makes variable speed control very easy.


Does this library works together with addressable LED strips (NeoPixel library)?
Because to get the tight timing needed by the LED strips interrupts are disabled while sending the data.
So the original Tone() library doesnt work for me. Wondering if newTone Library works?

Any plans for supporting ATtiny85 (Adafruit Trinket)?

Any plans for supporting ATtiny85 (Adafruit Trinket)?

Not sure if it would be possible do to the use of timers. But, I do know that my TimerFreeTone library is compatible with the ATtiny 85 (and just about any other platform as it doesn't use timers).



I'm very new to Arduino and electronics. I'm building a capacitive touch morse keyer and I need to generate a 800 to 1200 Hz tone. I still don't know for sure if a sine wave is needed or a square wave is good enough to TX with a simple LPF.

Does the NewTone() make a square wave output like tone()?

I have found that NewTone(pin, freq) makes a little noise when it's ended with noNewTone(), but if I set a duration, the tone ends clean.

I would like to code something like this example, but with a fixed duration. Do you have other library that I could use?

Thanks in advance.

SineWave.ino (1.82 KB)


I'm very new to Arduino and electronics. I'm building a capacitive touch morse keyer and I need to generate a 800 to 1200 Hz tone. I still don't know for sure if a sine wave is needed or a square wave is good enough to TX with a simple LPF.

Does the NewTone() make a square wave output like tone()?

I have found that NewTone(pin, freq) makes a little noise when it's ended with noNewTone(), but if I set a duration, the tone ends clean.

I would like to code something like this example, but with a fixed duration. Do you have other library that I could use?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, NewTone creates a square wave. The Arduino can't output a sine wave. If you need a sine wave, I would suggest using a Teensy 3.2

If you end a tone early it may stop in the middle of the high state. If it ends on it's own, it always finishes the high state before ending.

I don't understand your last question. You want to code something like what example? NewTone does do a fixed duration so I'm confused.
