I am using the wonderfull library nmea.h for decoding my GPS put on PIN2&3 using softwareserial.h and everything is OK. I wish to use this library as well to decode the data (commands) received to the HW serial port from my PC. So the library should be used two times in my programm. For two serials...
I tried to declare following, but it doesn´t works. Can you give me some note if it´s possible like I do?
but this way it doesn't work... or is there another library helpful for parsing and converting received sentences onto decimal number easily and precisely (in float)?
Hey! Actually, yes, there's a VERY good GPS library for just this! It's as simple as calling commands to print out the data:
lcd.print(speed()); // should display speed
lcd.print(lat()); // should display longitude, etc
I'm still waiting for my GPS so haven't had much experience, but here's the library page, also, you need to download NewSoftSerial (on the same page) to use this library. http://arduiniana.org/libraries/tinygps/
Hi, it wasn't realy my question. The TinyGPS is great one, but I use nmea.h for GPS, so I already decode my GPS. It is posible to not use nmea.h library only for GPS, but also for decoding any unknown sentences. ie. $COMMAND,1,45.545,4*44. This is my task now to send commands and easily decode them (the received text 45.545) into float number 45.545
So I wish to use nmea, but can't do it simultaneously with GPS. I have to define one new parameter than "NMEA gps(GPRMC);"
My question is which one. I tried "NMEA PCcmd(ALL);" not working...