No prompt to save a modified file when closing the IDE

Version: 2.0.0-rc4-nightly.20220218-nightly-20220218
Date: 2022-02-18T03:03:41.643Z
CLI Version: 0.21.0 [10107d24]

Copyright © 2022 Arduino SVersion: 2.0.0-rc4-nightly.20220218-nightly-20220218
Date: 2022-02-18T03:03:41.643Z
CLI Version: 0.21.0 [10107d24]
Windows 10
Auto save turned off in Preferences

  • File/New
  • Revise the sketch
  • File/Quit
  • No prompt to save the revised sketch

This may be related to the fix to the inverted logic of the unsaved file dialogue as previously reported. See Unsaved file dialogue on exit

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Thanks @UKHeliBob!

I am able to reproduce the bug. I see it was introduced here:

Would you like to submit the formal bug report to the issue tracker?

I'm not aware of any work that has been done on that issue. Sometimes it is difficult to track the development because some of it is happening in the VS Code code base, and some of it in the Eclipse Theia code base, which are huge very active projects. The changes made there are introduced all at once when the version of Theia in use by Arduino IDE is bumped, which is the change change that caused this bug you reported, as well as several others.

I can't tell whether the dialog has changed because it appears to now be impossible to trigger that dialog.

Hi @UKHeliBob. Since I didn't hear back from you, and wanted to make sure this is properly tracked, I went ahead and submitted a formal bug report to the IDE developers:

Thanks for doing that Per. I had forgotten all about it

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