I just updated my Arduino and Teensyduino software and now my sketch won't compile. For some reason it is saying it can't find the arraydata.h file that is in the same directory as the sketch itself.
Full error message:
Arduino: 1.8.8 (Mac OS X), TD: 1.45, Board: "Teensy 3.2 / 3.1, Serial, 96 MHz (overclock), Faster, US English"
/Users/billtubbs/Documents/Arduino/Serial_read_1593/serial_read_1593.ino:44:23: fatal error: arraydata.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Error compiling for board Teensy 3.2 / 3.1.
I'm attaching an image of Arduino window which shows the part of the sketch where the error occurred (line 44).
The primary sketch filename (serial_read_1593.ino in this case) must match the sketch folder name (Serial_read_1593 in this case). As you can see, the two do not match because the "s" at the start of the folder name is capitalized but the filename is not. This is somehow causing the Arduino IDE to get confused. If you rename either the folder name or the sketch name to match, the error will go away.
This is not specific to Teensyduino. It also occurs with the standard Arduino IDE.
Oh that's what it is. How bizarre! You would have thought someone would have written an assert statement in there somewhere so that an appropriate error message is raised if the names don't match. Oh well. It keeps the forums busy I guess...
You're welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance.
This is quite a strange bug. I have never seen it before. It may be something introduced to the Arduino IDE recently. I have it on my "to do" list to investigate and report to the developers (anyone else feel free to do that if you have time now).
Usually if the sketch folder name doesn't match the primary sketch file name, you get a dialog when you open it in the Arduino IDE that tell you it needs to be moved (which has its own issues with multi-file sketches). It seems that check is not being done in a case-sensitive manner since the IDE happily opens the sketch with case mismatch.