I have a few questions to clear up the things I read.. and truly understand the specs when I see a transistor datasheet..etc.
1.) what is difference between NPN vs PNP? outside of things I turned up during searches (contruction..etc)
How do you know to use one over the other? When looking.. some only list voltage values.. where others list current specs..etc.. some both.
2.) I understand you can use a transsitor as a 'trigger' to power other devices the Arduino couldnt normally form the battery pack directly.. using the Arduino pin as a 'trigger' to close the 'gate' to allow the juice to flow....
but does the transistor 'regulate' that at all?
(Im wondering what these 5v & 6v ratings on transistors I see is for? 2N222A/2222/4401...etc.)
or does only worry about the vF voltage drop across the transistor? (or not at all?)
I have a motor controlled/toggled by an Arduino pin set-up like this:
I cobbled it together from schematics elsewhere..etc and it works..
but now I have upgraded to a different motor.. that seems to be able to take 6v+ (down to 3 even to move)..
and I started thinking how much voltage I was giving it in this set-up.... and how to properly (without getting too technical) test it?
do I just (when I get home) throw a multimeter across the two leads going to the battery? and turn the motor on using the Arduino and check the output?
Wondering if using a different transistor might be better?
I have a few available to me currently:
I see specs like:
Collector/Base Voltage (same as Vcbo?)
Collector/Emitter Voltage (same as Vceo?)
Emitter/Base Voltage (same as Vebo?)
but not sure how they APPLY to the circuit deisgn..
for example I see this:
Vcbo = 75v
Vceo = 40v
Vebo = 6v
what does the 6v stad for? (or 75/40 for that matter?)
max input from the battery source it can take is one of them.....yes?. Is that the COLLECTOR/BASE voltage?
**(gen. electronics section.. be nice!)