"Not declared in this scope"

I am having an issue with a code in which the error message states that "changelights() is not declared in this scope" The code is attached below. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

// light onevoid loop(){
int red1 = 10;
int yellow1 = 9;
int green1 = 8;

// light two
int red2 = 13;
int yellow2 = 12;
int green2 = 11;

void setup(){
// light one
pinMode(red1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellow1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(green1, OUTPUT);

// light two
pinMode(red2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellow2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(green2, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
void changeLights(){
// turn both yellows on
digitalWrite(green1, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellow1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellow2, HIGH);

// turn both yellows off, and opposite green and red
digitalWrite(yellow1, LOW);
digitalWrite(red1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellow2, LOW);
digitalWrite(red2, LOW);
digitalWrite(green2, HIGH);

// both yellows on again
digitalWrite(yellow1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellow2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(green2, LOW);

// turn both yellows off, and opposite green and red
digitalWrite(green1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellow1, LOW);
digitalWrite(red1, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellow2, LOW);
digitalWrite(red2, HIGH);

sketch_feb07b.ino (1.16 KB)

The Arduino programming language is case sensitive. You have a function named changeLights, then you have a function call to changelights.

wow - can't believe I missed that. Obviously had been staring at it for too long.


You're welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance. Enjoy!