First post. Sorry if this isn't the right place, but looked for something like Development/Programming Questions, for example, and couldn't find.
Connected an ESP32S3 Dev Board (no pin 22, btw) to an mpu9250 gyro/accel and [supposedly containing] a magnetometer AK8963. The relevant chip in the mpu9250 board is marked MP92 917LD1 2248 or 224B?; tried to find a datasheet for that, but couldn't locate one. This is a cheap chinese board (around 4€).
The code below for configuring the magnetometer hangs when we try to get data from it. It runs until that point:
09:56:52.304 -> ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327
09:56:52.304 -> Build:Mar 27 2021
09:56:52.304 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
09:56:52.304 -> SPIWP:0xee
09:56:52.304 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
09:56:52.304 -> load:0x3fce3808,len:0x44c
09:56:52.304 -> load:0x403c9700,len:0xbe4
09:56:52.304 -> load:0x403cc700,len:0x2a68
09:56:52.304 -> entry 0x403c98d4
09:56:52.355 -> Configure MagnetometerDisable MPU9250 I2C master interface...done.
09:56:52.355 -> Enable MPU9250 interface bypass mux...done.
09:56:52.355 -> Access AK8963 fuse ROM...done.
09:56:52.460 -> Open and point session to AK8963 fuse ROM...done.
09:56:52.460 -> Request 3 bytes of data from fuse ROM (ASAX, ASAY, ASAZ)...
The code is:
Test Config Magnetometer in MPU9250
contains parts from;
// ----- Libraries
#include <Wire.h>
// ----- Gyro
#define MPU9250_I2C_address 0x68 // I2C address for MPU9250
#define MPU9250_I2C_master_enable 0x6A // USER_CTRL[5] = I2C_MST_EN
#define MPU9250_Interface_bypass_mux_enable 0x37 // INT_PIN_CFG[1]= BYPASS_EN
// ----- Magnetometer
#define AK8963_I2C_address 0x0C // I2C address for AK8963
#define AK8963_cntrl_reg_1 0x0A // CNTL[4]=#bits, CNTL[3:0]=mode
#define AK8963_status_reg_1 0x02 // ST1[0]=data ready
#define AK8963_data_ready_mask 0b00000001 // Data ready mask
#define AK8963_overflow_mask 0b00001000 // Magnetic sensor overflow mask
#define AK8963_data 0x03 // Start address of XYZ data
#define AK8963_fuse_ROM 0x10 // X,Y,Z fuse ROM
bool Record_data = false;
int Mag_x_offset = 46, Mag_y_offset = 190, Mag_z_offset = -254; // Hard-iron offsets
float Mag_x_scale = 1.01, Mag_y_scale = 0.99, Mag_z_scale = 1.00; // Soft-iron scale factors
float ASAX = 1.17, ASAY = 1.18, ASAZ = 1.14; // (A)sahi (S)ensitivity (A)djustment fuse ROM values.
void setup()
//Wire.begin(21, 20, 400000); // SDA, SCL pins an Frequency
Wire.begin(21, 20); // SDA, SCL pins
Serial.print("Configure Magnetometer"); // Print text to screen
// ----- Configure the magnetometer
void loop()
// ----------------------------
// Configure magnetometer
// ----------------------------
void configure_magnetometer()
The MPU-9250 contains an AK8963 magnetometer and an
MPU-6050 gyro/accelerometer within the same package.
To access the AK8963 magnetometer chip The MPU-9250 I2C bus
must be changed to pass-though mode. To do this we must:
- disable the MPU-9250 slave I2C and
- enable the MPU-9250 interface bypass mux
// ----- Disable MPU9250 I2C master interface
Serial.print("Disable MPU9250 I2C master interface...");
Wire.beginTransmission(MPU9250_I2C_address); // Open session with MPU9250
Wire.write(MPU9250_I2C_master_enable); // Point USER_CTRL[5] = I2C_MST_EN
Wire.write(0x00); // Disable the I2C master interface
// ----- Enable MPU9250 interface bypass mux
Serial.print("Enable MPU9250 interface bypass mux...");
Wire.beginTransmission(MPU9250_I2C_address); // Open session with MPU9250
Wire.write(MPU9250_Interface_bypass_mux_enable); // Point to INT_PIN_CFG[1] = BYPASS_EN
Wire.write(0x02); // Enable the bypass mux
// ----- Access AK8963 fuse ROM
/* The factory sensitivity readings for the XYZ axes are stored in a fuse ROM.
To access this data we must change the AK9863 operating mode.
Serial.print("Access AK8963 fuse ROM...");
Wire.beginTransmission(AK8963_I2C_address); // Open session with AK8963
Wire.write(AK8963_cntrl_reg_1); // CNTL[3:0] mode bits
Wire.write(0b00011111); // Output data=16-bits; Access fuse ROM
delay(100); // Wait for mode change
// ----- Get factory XYZ sensitivity adjustment values from fuse ROM
/* There is a formula on page 53 of "MPU-9250, Register Map and Decriptions, Revision 1.4":
Hadj = H*(((ASA-128)*0.5)/128)+1 where
H = measurement data output from data register
ASA = sensitivity adjustment value (from fuse ROM)
Hadj = adjusted measurement data (after applying
Serial.print("Open and point session to AK8963 fuse ROM...");
Wire.beginTransmission(AK8963_I2C_address); // Open session with AK8963
Wire.write(AK8963_fuse_ROM); // Point to AK8963 fuse ROM
Serial.print("Request 3 bytes of data from fuse ROM (ASAX, ASAY, ASAZ)...");
Wire.requestFrom(AK8963_I2C_address, 3); // Request 3 bytes of data
while (Wire.available() < 3); // Wait for the data
ASAX = ( - 128) * 0.5 / 128 + 1; // Adjust data
ASAY = ( - 128) * 0.5 / 128 + 1;
ASAZ = ( - 128) * 0.5 / 128 + 1;
// ----- Power down AK8963 while the mode is changed
This wasn't necessary for the first mode change as the chip was already powered down
Serial.print("Power down AK8963 while the mode is changed...");
Wire.beginTransmission(AK8963_I2C_address); // Open session with AK8963
Wire.write(AK8963_cntrl_reg_1); // Point to mode control register
Wire.write(0b00000000); // Set mode to power down
delay(100); // Wait for mode change
// ----- Set output to mode 2 (16-bit, 100Hz continuous)
Serial.print("Set output to mode 2 (16-bit, 100Hz continuous)...");
Wire.beginTransmission(AK8963_I2C_address); // Open session with AK8963
Wire.write(AK8963_cntrl_reg_1); // Point to mode control register
Wire.write(0b00010110); // Output=16-bits; Measurements = 100Hz continuous
delay(100); // Wait for mode change