I have been working on a controller that would allow me to control various servos throughout the build of my current robot. In the past, I have used the bluetooth module to do this, but there has always been a bit of lag. Recently I had been watching the youtube channel of XRobots and he suggested using these radio transmitter/receiver modules to control the servos for testing and later control.
Getting to the point, The nano can receive, but not transmit. I need the the nano to transmit. Now I realize there will be some people on here that say well follow this tutorial or that one. I wouldn't ask if I haven't done my research, so here are some of the tutorials I have used with little to no success.
If I had the mega transmit to the nano, it works great. When swapping the nano to transmit and the mega receiving, I get nothing. I added a capacitor and even its own 3v3, but nothing is happening. Just for clarity , I swapped the modules and got more of the same. Tested another nano, but more of the same.
So my question is, What do I need to do in order to make this work? Attached are pics of how the controller was planned.
MY nano and NRF24L01 test pair worked just fine when I powered each NRF24L01 with a pair of AA cells in series and each Nano from the PC USB. I don't think you can get enough current from the Nano 3.3 regulator.
Link to a video here...... as well as requirement for good power supplies, be aware that power levels can also be set in the program as it shows in the video.
Edit:- you need a good supply to both. Receiver actually requires more current according to the specs.
Also how far or in what conditions are you using the gear.
The Nano absolutely cannot supply the necessary current to power the NRF24 and you typically need a bypass cap near the module to insure proper behavior. The simplest solution is to use these adapter boards for each module you use. About a buck each (or less in qty) on eBay.
There seems to be a problem on the mega side. Pins 7 & 8 to be exact. If I remove pin 8 it transmits nano is not receiving, but add pin 8 back and only the nano transmits. There is no talking between the two. They both want to transmit.
The Nano radio has 3v3 lipo as its power and the nano is powered through the usb. The mega is powered through the usb. Mega is powered through the mega.
That is the drawing I used. and that is the code I used.
Funny, how I keep having to repeat this.
The Nano radio has 3v3 lipo as its power and the nano is powered through the usb. The mega is powered through the usb. Mega is powered through the mega.
That is the drawing I used. and that is the code I used.
Funny, how I keep having to repeat this.
The Nano radio has 3v3 lipo as its power and the nano is powered through the usb. The mega is powered through the usb. Mega is powered through the mega.
Well, this is not shown in the diagrams you supplied, and as already stated,lack of separate power may be your problem.
What you have to remember is, this is all sitting in front of you. We cannot see it.
Just as we also cannot see if you put the correct code in the correct module.
Just as we cannot see if you changed the code or not or if you have any incorrect wiring.
Wireless problems can be very difficult to debug so get the wireless part working on its own before you start adding any other features.
The examples are as simple as I could make them and they have worked for other Forum members. If you get stuck it will be easier to help with code that I am familiar with. Start by getting the first example to work
A common problem with nRF24 modules is insufficient 3.3v current from the Arduino 3.3v pin. Try powering them with a pair of AA alkaline cells (3v) with the battery GND connected to the Arduino GND.
A fully charged LiPo cell will exceed the max voltage for an nRF24 module. If you must use a LiPo put a diode between it and the nRF24 to drop the voltage by about 0.6v.
he simplest solution is to use these adapter boards for each module
They just came in today while I was at work. I will give it a go in the morning.
Just to see if the mega was the problem, I switched to an uno, but it didn't seem to do anything different. I was thinking that I might have a bad radio module, but tested it with 2 nanos and had no problems.
Got to be something between the nanos and uno/mega. Maybe I wired it wrong?