nRF24l01 - Communication between Uno and Leonardo

I have tested Robin's first program twice, yesterday and today.
*see: Simple nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz transceiver demo - #2 by Robin2
Yesterday the transmitter said: "Data sent message 0 TX failed".
The receiver said nothing yesterday.
Today the transmitter said: "Data sent message 0 TX failed".
But today the receiver said: "Data received message 0".
There seems to be progress but according to the programme, the number should increase to 9, This is not happening.

As for the connection of the modules. The uno is connected as Robin describes it.
For the leonardo: see drawing
Red = MISO
Green = SCK
Blue = MOSI
Orange (pin 10) = CSN
Purple (pin 9) = CE
and of course the vcc & gnd
Connection nRF24l01 Leonardo