NRF24L01 not 1km :(

I have bought the NRF24L01 with the antenna that as they claim goes to 1 km.
I have tested the range and unfortunately it disconnected after about 150m.
Is there something I need to do to extend the range using the code itself, or do I need need to get a hardware to make the power more powerful.

const byte address[6] = "01608";		//The communication address of the Transceiver

RF24 radio(10, 9); 						//CE, CSN of the NRF24L01

int data[7];							//The data array to be sent

radio.begin();							//Radio

I have only used these commands (And ofc changed them according to the Tx or Rx)

I have connected an LED on the receiver side and and when I move a joystick on the controller, the light gets turned on.

Does this have to do with anything about the array?
Or should I use a pipe instead of address?
Or do I need to use another hardware to amplify the signal?
Or do I need to add a bobin as someone suggested?
Or I am missing something in the code?

Do both transmitter and receiver have antennas?
Schematics showing how the devices are powered would be good to look into.
Whar was the terrain between the 2 devices?

Yes, they both have antennas.

Transmitter: (The arduino is powered using 6V AAA batteries)
VCC -> 3.3V
CE -> 10
CSN -> 9
SCK -> 13
MOSI -> 11
MISO -> 12

Receiver: (The arduino is powered using 15V Lithium batteries through the jack)
VCC -> 3.3V
CE -> A0
CSN -> A1
SCK -> 13
MOSI -> 11
MISO -> 12

There was no obstacle between the two, but when I got about 150m far the light was held on even though I tried turning it off.

You tried but that's not schematics. Pin numbers/names give o overwiew.
Also voltages, ampere capacity of the power plants ought to be checked up.
Pen and paper usually works well enough.
I would like to check if there's a powering issue.

@Railroader I am not sure of what difference it would make if I gave you the schematics, because I would just draw the parts connected to the pins that I have already mentioned before.
Or do you need something else? could you please describe what schematics you are looking for?

@mrburnette The batteries are new and charged.
Do I need to set both the transmitter and receiver at PA_MAX?
I have already done that but some people say that I should put the transmitter on MIN

If your regulatory laws permit, then YES... but expect battery-power run time to be affected.

I already have and somehow the signal is lost after 150m :frowning:

Beyond the obvious of defective antenna or weak power supply, there is a possibly your transmitter is weak or your receiver is weak or both.

Do not discount RF interference from external sourcesL cellphone towers, RF traffic devices, wireless security devices, industrial RF noise, etc.

Are you trying to power the radio from a pin on the Arduino?

We ask for a real schematic, even if you just draw it with a pencil and shoot a picture of it. That's actually the fastest and entirely satisfactory.

Picking apart a word description takes time. If you draw a schematic, you save everyone who has any business helping you each the time it would take them to do that. And we might make mistakes doing, or your description might have a mistake...


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Are both antennas in the same direction?
Either both vertical or both horizontal, perpendicular to the direction of radiowave travel?
Like this:

|                |

And not like this;

__         __
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I just figured out that the code uses HIGH and not MAX which is a very dump mistake.


Yes its connected to the 3.3V pin.


And does not making them at the same direction actually affects them this much?
I will try the range tomorrow after I have changed the PA level to MAX

That is like, I don't know what difference it would make if I gave you a hamburger instead of raw meat and flour, because I would just cook it for you.

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As you can see, virtually no radiation leaves in the direction where the antenna is pointing...
If you have one vertical and the other horizontal, you will still not receive much as the polarization is wrong.
So, yes this can make a huge difference.
By the way, I borrowed this pic from here Antennas for dummies | Engibex where there is much more info.

A side not to the image. That is for a true vertical dipole. The NRF antenna is just 1/2 of that dipole. The board and wiring make up the other half. Wonder if a true radiation pattern has been published for an NRF with external antenna?

Here is a monopole pattern

precious power from the batteries get wasted here,

also show us your schematic please (or/and picture of your setup?)

The 3.3 volt pin may not have enough current capability to power the radio.

Most tutorials recommend a separate power supply and the inclusion of a largish capacitor across the power leads of the radio.

You must have missed that part.


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I bet they don't. I bet they say "goes up to 1 km", which is an all together different thing.

What sort of antenna is it half wave or quarter wave? Has it got a decent ground plain?

What about the material round the RX and TX? Any metal or conducting surfaces. All these affect the real performance.

The OP can be happy to have any transmission, let alone 150m.
The high power modules usually don't work from the 3.3V of an 5V Arduino at all.