Oled_ssd1306_chart library installation fails

Hi Team, the oled_ssd1306_chart library installation fails with an error of

No valid dependencies solution found: dependency 'Adafruit_SSD1306' is not available.

I even have the Adafruit_SSD1306 installed already, and this happens whether it is installed or not.

Any tips on how to resolve?

Welcome to the forum

Which version of the IDE are you using ?

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Using v2.2.1

Welcome to the forum.

There seems to be a problem with includes, but I don't understand why.
Here is the include that somehow fails: https://github.com/elC0mpa/OLED_SSD1306_Chart/blob/master/src/OLED_SSD1306_Chart.h#L1

To make it work in Wokwi simulation, I uploaded the Chart library files into the project.

This example: https://github.com/elC0mpa/OLED_SSD1306_Chart/blob/master/examples/SinglePlotMode/SinglePlotMode.ino

In Wokwi simulation:

On the left side are tabs with the files "OLED_SSD1306_Chart.cpp" and "OLED_SSD1306_Chart.h". Those are the files that I uploaded (without any change). I commented out a few includes in the ino file, that's all.

Thank you, will try this!

I was unable to fix it via the above method, so...I simply copied all the code from both the .h and .cpp file into my sketch, without the includes. It still didn't build. Then I ran into various issues with use of e.g. char * _y_min_label[2] arrays to hold (very small) strings, as they were being initialized with empty strings like this:

_y_min_label[0] = "";

But that results in a lot of warnings.

Attempting to zero them out with memset now...let's see how that goes.

Seems to work. Got the chart to display. Why the .h and .cpp files don't work at all, is still a mystery to me.

The more information you give, the better answer we can give. You can give all the code with all the files, and tell how you compiled it and then we can have a look at it.

You can also go to the "Preferences" in the Arduino IDE and turn on the verbose mode for the compiler. Then copy-past the compiler output to this forum.

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