Optical sensor+hmi

Hi everybody!
I am designing an HMI screen to control lights, with an optical sensor. The screen includes 2 buttons: 1 automatic button + 1 control button.
When pressing the automatic button, the optical sensor will work when it is morning, the light will turn off, when it is dark, the light will turn on.
When turning off the automatic mode, control the lights with the control button, on and off depending on the operator.
But the code I designed has problems. Hope anyone can help!!!!

#include "Nextion.h"
#define sensor_optical 7 
#define DHT11modulePIN 4        // define the digital I/O pin
#define DHT11moduleTYPE DHT11   // DHT 11 module
#define LEDPIN 8                // define the digital I/O pin

// Declare Nextion objects
// The the following informations from Nextion Editor
// (page id, component id, component name)
NexDSButton bdslight = NexDSButton(0, 2, "bt0");
NexDSButton autocb = NexDSButton(0, 6, "bt1");

// Register objects to the touch event list
NexTouch *nex_listen_list[] = {

void bdslightPushCallback(void *ptr) {
  uint32_t dual_state;
      digitalWrite (LEDPIN, HIGH); // set the LED on
      digitalWrite (LEDPIN, LOW); // set the LED off
void autocbPushCallback(void *ptr) {
  uint32_t dual_state1;
    int tt =digitalRead(sensor_optical);
      if(tt== 1)

void setup() {
  pinMode (LEDPIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(sensor_optical, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Register the push/pop event callback function
  bdslight.attachPush(bdslightPushCallback, &bdslight);
  autocb.attachPush(autocbPushCallback, &autocb);

void loop() {

What kind of problem? My crystal ball is not up and running for the moment...

right where the optical sensor it doesn't work automatically.

Telling: It doesn't work contains no information.
Is the sesor broken?
Is the code doing other things then You want? If so, use serial monitor and serial.print to debug the code.

Test your optical sensor on its own by just reading it and see if it detects light /dark with a simple sketch .

Supply a wiring diagram and sensor type

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