I'm quite fresh Arduino user and I have this one problem / question.
Below is code that is used to change 2 LEDs states (ON / OFF) , change time interval with potentiometer and "turn program ON/OFF" with pushButton. LEDs are blinking with millis(); function.
const int greenPin = 8; // pin 8 to greedPin const
int greenState = LOW; // green LED LOW (0)
const int redPin = 4; // pin 4 to redPin const
int redState = LOW; // red LED LOW (0)
const int btn = 11; // pin 11 to btn const
int btnCounter = 0; // counter of button pressed states
int btnState = 0; // button state
int lastBtnState = 0; // last button state
unsigned long greenPreviousTime = 0; // last time for green LED
unsigned long redPreviousTime = 0; // last time for red LED
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //Serial for debug
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(btn, INPUT);
void loop() {
int btnState = digitalRead(btn); // reads current button state 0 or 1 and saves it to variable
if (btnState != lastBtnState) {
if(btnCounter==2){ // if counter = 2 reset to 0
Serial.println("Program state: RUNNING --> Press button to stop...");
if (btnState == LOW) { // if btn pushed down (state is LOW -> 0)
btnCounter++; // add 1 to counter
if(btnCounter==1 && btnState==HIGH){ // without btnState at HIGH Serial
greenState = 0; // message was printing 2 times
redState = 0; // turn off LEDs
digitalWrite(greenPin, greenState);
digitalWrite(redPin, redState);
Serial.println("Program state: STOP --> Press button to start...");
} // delay for avoiding errors ??? how to avoid this ???
lastBtnState = btnState; // changes last btn state variable to current state
if(btnCounter==0){ // if counter 0 main code part runs, if is TRUE
int timeInterval = analogRead(A5); // TimeInterval from potentiometer (~ 0 -> 1023)
Serial.print("Time interval: "); // uncomment to see current interval in Serial Monitor
unsigned long greenCurrentTime = millis(); // add millis(); to RED and GREEN LED time variables
unsigned long redCurrentTime = millis();
// GREEN LED CODE START **********************
if (greenCurrentTime - greenPreviousTime >= timeInterval) { // if passed time is higher that interval
greenPreviousTime = greenCurrentTime; // previous time to current time variable
if (greenState == LOW) { // simple dioda state change
greenState = HIGH;
}else {
greenState = LOW;
digitalWrite(greenPin, greenState); // on - off LED
// RED LED CODE START **********************
if (redCurrentTime - redPreviousTime >= timeInterval) {
redPreviousTime = redCurrentTime;
if (redState == LOW) {
redState = HIGH;
}else {
redState = LOW;
digitalWrite(redPin, redState);
Photo of prototype:
I'd like to see some opinion about this code, is it good approach or maybe better is to use some library?
Is there a better way to control state of pushButton?
Is there a better solution to make program / loop run or stop with button?
Right now when I press button program stops, but It can stop for e.g. on 560 ms and when I push it again it will run from 560 ms and after another 440 ms change state of diodes. I want it to run from 0 ms after button is pressed for the second time. Is it possible?
PS: Sorry for English, hope it's ok