
I just try to use OTA on ubuntu 18.04.

I see the port in Arduino IDE but programming fail.
But if I disable UFW (firewall) then programming works. So the firewall block the update. But I don't want to disable firewall every time I need to update firmware. I searched what port OTA use but didn't find the solution.
So what port to enable ??

the esp8266 ArduinoOTA library uses port 8266
the Arduino WiFi101OTA library and my ArduinoOTA library use port 65280

Something other ports seems to be needed...

On Serial out from ESP I got response:
Progress 0%
Error[2]: Connect Failed
Error[4]: End Failed

and ufw status is:

sudo ufw status
Status: active
To Action From

8266 ALLOW Anywhere
65280 ALLOW Anywhere
8266 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
65280 (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)

esp8266 ArduinoOTA uses UDP too. the UDP port is 8266 too

udp and tcp are enabled afaik