P10 LED display issue

Hello everyone, 2 days ago I found a P10 led display:

Then I connect to a UNO board and use simple code to run it and this is a result:

Where did I do something wrong?

Welcome to the forum

The problem is probably in your code, or just possibly in your circuit but how would we know ?

Sorry I forgot to up the code:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <DMD2.h>
#include <fonts/Arial_Black_16.h>

SoftDMD dmd(1,1);
// Number of P10 panels used X, Y
DMD_TextBox box(dmd, 2, 1, 32, 16);
// Set Box (dmd, x, y, Height, Width)
void setup() {
  dmd.setBrightness(200); // Set brightness 0 - 255
  dmd.selectFont(Arial_Black_16); // Font used
  dmd.begin();     // Start DMD
void loop() {

I am not familiar with the library but a wild guess would be that you need to use a font that is not black

Have you tried a different font ?

I've changed the font to droid_sans_16, it still not work:((

But thank you anyway

What's you mean as "not work"? That the picture is inverted or something else?

Yes, It should work like this:

The library has an invertDisplay() function but I am not clear as to whether it turns the display upside down or inverts the colour of the display

Try it and see

the latter

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