Paid Arduino Projects Expert Needed

Hello all,

I am looking to pay someone a bit of money to design a few small projects for me. I figure that I'll pay for the code, and then buy the board and parts myself. The two projects for starters are:

  1. A device which reads an audio input signal and generates a pure sine wave which is always matching the volume and pitch of the fundamental tone in the audio signal. The audio signal will be a monophonic source, such as a microphone picking up a vocalist or instrument such as an Oboe.

  2. A device which outputs a 1.4V RMS tone burst at 10kHz for 5ms whenever a pair of phototransistors are triggered in a particular order within a certain timeframe. Some of the parameters need to be adjustable through the use of pots or sliders.

Anybody interested? Or do you know of someone who might be?

  1. A device which reads an audio input signal and generates a pure sine wave which is always matching the volume and pitch of the fundamental tone in the audio signal.

That device is going to be nearly impossible on the Arduino. Getting enough data points fast enough will be the first problem. Determining the fundamental frequency will be the second. Outputting a pure sine wave will be the third.

Both projects are perfectly feasible on Arduino. I'd be willing to do both, but I don't know that I can accurately estimate the time & effort to do #1, so I will have to pass, sorry. Otherwise, one of us will end up unhappy and that's not good for anyone.

#2 I would be happy to take on. Send me a PM to discuss the details and we can talk.

Both projects are perfectly feasible on Arduino.



I agree with PaulS, you might look at the Teensy 3.1 and their audio board as a possible platform. In fact I would look at that in many many cases instead of the official Arduino boards. They offer the same programming environment we all know and love with a lot more horsepower for things like audio analysis and playback.

Are you guys serious???? I've seen much more sophisticated signal analysis done on far inferior hardware.

Let's say you can do it, although without a DAC I don't know how you are going to output a pure sine wave but maybe cedarlakeinstrument has a fix for that. Why not use the Teensy which can do the analysis very easy in fact with the Teensy you can use the ARM DSP library to help with the analysis. All at a cost of less than $20 a great deal in my mind.

Maybe cedarlakeinstrument can share with the great unwashed how he can output a 10 kHz pure sine wave with a straight Arduino?


To output a sine wave, you would probably want a separate sine wave generator driven by the arduino somehow. The best you could do with an arduino would be a weird pattern of pulses with a variable duty cycle.

Likewise the tone burst - if you want a specific frequency and need it to be nice and clean, a separate oscillator would be the way to go.