For my first micro controller project I want to make a small power bank powered wifi weather station. I'm going to use the Wemos D1 mini board, sending info about temperature, pressure and humidity to the network, and powering the board with an (smartphone) power bank. Maybe I would also add an display, not sure of this yet.
Could you please tell me if I missed something ? I'm pretty sure powering everything via the power bank(in the usb port I was thinking) isn't as simple as I think. Or is it?
Thanks for your time
Sounds right to me. I'd probably add a light sensor too, I mean, why not? There's a BH-somethingorother that's pretty cheap and available in modules from china, and TEOS makes some really slick ones for sensing color of light too - though these are usually in DFN-6 package, which is intensely unpleasant to solder by hand. All I2C too.
What kind of battery life do you hope to get? One issue if you're doing power management is that many power banks will turn off the outputs if it looks like there's no load on them, which a microcontroller in power down mode might well look like to the powerbank... and unfortunately manufacturers don't spec this information, because power banks are marketed towards consumers, and manufacturers don't respect us enough to give us actual specs (having met the average consumer, I can hardly blame them).