Hi every one,
Is there any sensor to Measuring the percentage of water in the human body?
And what is it? what is the name of the sensor?
Hi every one,
Is there any sensor to Measuring the percentage of water in the human body?
And what is it? what is the name of the sensor?
Is this your homework assignment ?
I'm going to take a leap here but isn't the answer to your question a blood test ?
Are there any doctors out there who can answer that question ? (Dr. Arduino ?)
If you just take the time to GOOGLE "BODY WATER" this is what you find.
Total body water can be determined using Flowing afterglow mass spectrometry measurement of deuterium abundance in breath samples from individuals.
So really all you need is a mass spectrometer.
(and breath mints ?)
Check Sparkfun or Adafruit...
Is there any sensor to Measuring the percentage of water in the human body?
Pretty sure I remember 95% from a old Star Trek episode where victims got turned into little blocks.
About $5 worth of chemicals.
The procedure is as follows:
Needless to say, this is a very destructive procedure.
Weigh the person.
Put them into a test tube.
Heat contents to remove all the water.
Weight, compare remaining ashes to the original weight value.
Hydrostatic testing gives the best estimate of composition, and even then it stands on quite a few guesstimations for the final numbers.
You need a cadaver to weigh before and after
Seriously, google says gas spectrometry of breath sample. (Google : "body water")
I wonder how those Fitness scales, the ones with the conductive pads you stand on with bare feet, do it. Whenever I get on it it always tells me my water percentage is somewhere around 50%. Funny, I don't feel or look like a prune (to most people, anyway!)
Those scales use crude formulas with plugging in galvanic skin response
I wonder how those Fitness scales, the ones with the conductive pads you stand on with bare feet, do it.
Basically they don't.
Hi every one,Is there any sensor to Measuring the percentage of water in the human body?
And what is it? what is the name of the sensor?
Yes, an MRI scanner can probably answer that, as you can scan for all hydrogen atoms in particular
chemical environments, such as water-water hydrogen bonds. Of course the definition
of water in a living cell is fraught with issues such as do you count water molecules in
permanent association with protein molecules, etc.
There is no cheap sensor to answer the question.
Basically they don't.
Just like those treadmills that tell you how many calories you burned.
Your liver is gonna be a lot wetter than your hip bone, so when you say % water, are you speaking of the average? How precise do you need to know? It sounds nefarious (unless it is a school assignment, then ok.)
Jiggy-Ninja has the basic procedure, but I would suggest homogenizing the sample first, and taking a smaller aliquot to dehydrate. I would run a complete temp vs weight curve, to account for dissolved gasses, volitile organics, and the like.
Ok, gross, right? How about selecting a part of the body that you normally discard, like your hair after a haircut. An experiment always gives you an answer. Your skill as a scientist will determine the meaning of that answer.
Anybody can just google the answer, but wouldn't you like to present something different?
ps, and since you posted here, you'll need to work an Arduino in somehow.
I like this answer: "if the subject is alive the percentage of water is correct" - so a heart-rate monitor
sensor would do the job!
70%. If someone disagrees with you, then have them prove otherwise. Done.