peristaltic pump confusion

use a peristaltic pump to put exactly .05 ml of water or one drop of water every 3.6 seconds for 24 hours

I am under powering the 12v pump to the 5v on a arduino uno board.
using a PN2222 NPN Transistor and 1N4001 Diode as flyback in parallel with the motor.
Attached is a diagram of the setup
Powering the arduino uno board with a 9v output

const int motor= 10; //LED connected to digital pin 10

void setup()
pinMode(motor, OUTPUT); //sets the digital pin as output

void loop()
digitalWrite(motor,HIGH); //turns the LED on

The board runs the code and the pump works exactly putting in the .05ml every 3.6 seconds but it only works for about 30 mins or so and then it stops working all together.

Potential Causes
Because the pump is underpowered it might not have enough voltage to start and stop the way I am forcing it to right now. If anyone has ideas on this I would like all the help I can get.

I would really like if anyone had suggestions on how to make the code run for given time intervals such as running this set of code for 24 hours or 8 hours then stopping.

As I am new an learning I apologize if I am missing something completely obvious to those more experienced individuals and would appreciate any and all help

I am under powering the 12v pump to the 5v on a arduino uno board.

Why are you doing that? It is usually a bad idea to power motors directly from the Arduino.

Are you using a base resistor? I don't see one in your image.

Never power a motor from the 5 volt pin on the Arduino.


Not using a base resistor. So you think its a bad idea to power it from the board. Got it! do you have a recommended power supply?

Also how would that change the transistor setup I have currently. Thanks for you quick replies I really appreciate it!

Also how would that change the transistor setup I have currently.

I think that a base resistor of 330 ohms should do you just fine.

What will the motor current be at 12v? I think the PN2222 is spec'd to 800ma.

Thank you very much. I am running 9v power supply changed up my design a bit and its working smooth now. I just have to get the motor timing to run properly in the code