PID problem with speed controll

Hello ,
I'm writing a software to controll DC servo with 1000 pps incremental encoder .I need to compare pulse count of controller encoder and motor encoder to keep speed the same . I need speed controll not position . The problem is that when i use this code :

/* read a rotary encoder with interrupts
   Encoder hooked up with common to GROUND,
   encoder0PinA to pin 2, encoder0PinB to pin 4 (or pin 3 see below)
   it doesn't matter which encoder pin you use for A or B  

   uses Arduino pullups on A & B channel outputs
   turning on the pullups saves having to hook up resistors 
   to the A & B channel outputs 


#define encodermotorPinA  2
#define encodermotorPinB  4

#define encodercontrollerPinA  3
#define encodercontrollerPinB  5

#define SpeedPin     10
#define DirectionPin 12

volatile long encodermotorPos = 0;
volatile long encodercontrollerPos = 0;

long target = 0;

//PID controller constants
float KP = 2.25 ; //position multiplier (gain)
float KI = .25; // Intergral multiplier (gain)
float KD = 1.0; // derivative multiplier (gain)

int lastError = 0;
int sumError = 0;

//Integral term min/max (random value and not yet tested/verified)
int iMax = 100;
int iMin = 0;

long previousTarget = 0;
long previousMillis = 0;        // will store last time LED was updated
long interval = 5;           // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)

void setup() { 

  pinMode(encodermotorPinA, INPUT); 
  pinMode(encodermotorPinB, INPUT); 
  pinMode(encodercontrollerPinA, INPUT);   
  pinMode(encodercontrollerPinB, INPUT); 
  pinMode(DirectionPin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(SpeedPin, OUTPUT); 

  Serial.begin(115200); // Set up serial communication
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = B01001011; // rising edges, CTC mode, prescaler = 64
  OCR1A = 25000; // 25000 x 64 / 16 million -> interrupt every 100ms
  TCNT1 = 0; // reset timer1
  TIMSK1 = B00000010; // turn on Output Compare A Interrupt

  attachInterrupt(1, doEncodercontroller, RISING); // Attaches interrupt to Digi Pin 3
  attachInterrupt(0, doEncodermotor, RISING);

void loop(){
  if (millis() - previousTarget > 1000)
      previousTarget = millis();

  target = encodercontrollerPos;

void docalc() {
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval) 
    previousMillis = millis();   // remember the last time we blinked the LED
    long error = encodermotorPos - target ; // find the error term of current position - target    
    //generalized PID formula

    long ms = KP * error + KD * (error - lastError) +KI * (sumError);
    lastError = error;    
    sumError += error;
    //scale the sum for the integral term
    if(sumError > iMax) {
      sumError = iMax;
    } else if(sumError < iMin){
      sumError = iMin;
    if(ms > 0){
      digitalWrite ( DirectionPin ,HIGH );      
    if(ms < 0){
      digitalWrite ( DirectionPin , LOW );     
      ms = -1 * ms;

    int motorSpeed = map(ms,-1000,0,0,255); 
    analogWrite ( SpeedPin,  motorSpeed );

void doEncodermotor(){
 encodermotorPos++ ;
Serial.print ( encodermotorPos );
Serial.print ("\n");


void doEncodercontroller(){
encodercontrollerPos++ ;
Serial.print ( encodercontrollerPos );
Serial.print ("\n"); 

the motor is not running , the line :

TCCR1A = 0;

disconnects motor .

i need this line to have fast pulse count of doEncodercontroller() like 6Khz.
i cannot do it with DigitalFastWrite becouse it's too slow.

Any help will be very appreciated!!

#define SpeedPin 10

TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = B01001011; // rising edges, CTC mode, prescaler = 64
OCR1A = 25000; // 25000 x 64 / 16 million -> interrupt every 100ms
TCNT1 = 0; // reset timer1
TIMSK1 = B00000010; // turn on Output Compare A Interrupt

analogWrite ( SpeedPin, motorSpeed );

As far as I can tell, Timer 1A is used for PWM on pin 10. Was it your intention to change how PWM behaves for pin 10?

This was the only way i found that was fast enough to read pulses from encoder-controller ( 1000 pulses pes rev ) opereted by hand . I'm trying to make remote follow focus to camera and i need to very accurately drive a motor according to move of encoder-controller . i need high resolution of controller that's why i cannot use lower resolution . with this code motor has also a lag and stop is very slow with long cycle of going CW and CCW . i found this web site : Arduino ก้อทำ PID Motor control ได้นะครับ | Ayarafun Factory and this is exacly what i need , but the code doesnt work i my case so i modified it.With position control i feel steps in slow movement of controller so i wanted to use speed control and compare speeds in PID .

With very slow move of controller the oryginal code works but motor has big lag and slow "damping?"- for a long time goes back and forth to stop . it is impossible to remove it with any parameter change.

Arduino can read many thousands of digital inputs per second, especially if you use interrupts as you are doing.

Don't put Serial.Print calls in your interrupt service routines - that's a sure way to slow things down.

If you are using a quadrature encoder, in the interrupt service routine you need to check the state of the B pin input, to know whether to increment or decrement your counter (due to the direction of rotation of your encoder).

Also if you are measuring speed, your docalc() function would normally reset the motor and encoder counters to zero, so that you know the number of units change per time interval.