Pinguino with PIC32MX440F256H microcontroller

Came across the Pinguino, and their new version uses the powerful 80Mhz PIC32MX440F256H microcontroller, with their own arduino compatible IDE, as well as C and the usual compatibility eistent for the PIC uC's.
Im actually amazed at it after researching some projects, and will definitely have to give it a try soon.
Let me now if anyone has experiences with it, or even the PIC version ChipKIT, which is also arduino pseudo compatible

i bought the "slim" version without shield form factir.pinguino ide does not work. how can i upload an arduino sketch to pinguino?

Well the slim version doesnt mean owt to me...You would have to be more specific...
A link ?! What chip you using ?!? A schematic if it is a self made/DIY board ?!?

I'm talking about this:

Today Pinguino IDE does not even start... i have two pinguino executables and no files, if I just unpack the executable-installer. But I just have one pinguino.exe executable if I properly install the package. But none of the three exes launch any IDE upon double click.

In the pinguino forum theres all the links u need, but theres a full tutorial on installing on different OS.
But for help on it you should probably go to the Pinguino Forum... as it will be beneficial to the forum and others you do the questions to your issues there, for the future !!

i eventually figured out how to program the "pinguino32 micro": just like all others pinguino, it must be put in uploader mode by pressing the user button before connection, or by pressing user+reset button after connection.
it's very interesing to talk abou it here, because ths board is 100% sw compatible with arduino C, but it costs just 15$ and it has sd card reader included! (although I don't know yet if it directly supports sketch written for sd card shield).

How can it be 100% software compatible when it has a totally different processor?

And it is advertised as selling at 29.90€

At current exchange rates that is $USD 37.78.

This isn't adding up. It simply can't be true that it is totally software compatible, and the price you quoted is just wrong.

Compatibilty has been tested and is almost 100%.

Scroll down.

Unsupported Arduino Standard and Contributed Libraries

? Firmata - for communicating with applications on the computer using a standard serial protocol.
? SoftwareSerial (NewSoftSerial) - for serial communication on any digital pins (Pinguino32 gives you up to 9 serial channels)
? Matrix - Basic LED Matrix display manipulation library
? Sprite - Basic image sprite manipulation library for use in animations with an LED matrix
? Messenger - for processing text-based messages from the computer
? PS2Keyboard - read characters from a PS2 keyboard.
? Simple Message System - send messages between Arduino and the computer
? SSerial2Mobile - send text messages or emails using a cell phone (via AT commands over software serial)
? Webduino - extensible web server library (for use with the Arduino Ethernet Shield)
? X10 - Sending X10 signals over AC power lines
? SerialControl - Remote control other Arduinos over a serial connection
? Capacitive Sensing - turn two or more pins into capacitive sensors
? LedControl - for controlling LED matrices or seven-segment displays with a MAX7221 or MAX7219.
? LedControl - an alternative to the Matrix library for driving multiple LEDs with Maxim chips.
? LedDisplay - control of a HCMS-29xx scrolling LED display.
? Metro - help you time actions at regular intervals (supported in Interrupt library)
? MsTimer2 - uses the timer 2 interrupt to trigger an action every N milliseconds (supported in Interrupt library)

Personally I don't think this is relevant to this forum. It is like when I once went to a Mac Users Group and someone started demonstrating a Commodore 64. Interesting though it may have been, I went there to see Mac products, not Commodore ones.

You're looking at the big version compatible with shields, but I was talking about this:

And by "100% SW compatible" I meant it supports Arduino C, not Arduino Libraries: of course HW is different, hence low-level programming cannot be compatible.

Nick Gammon is correct, Adafruit have them from for $35, $31.46 on offer at the moment.

Adafruit also agree with him on the non-Arduino nature of this product.
"it isn't an Arduino, isn't supported by the Arduino team or forums, and doesn't work with the Arduino IDE" --Adafruit