PLC IDE Simulation

Anybody get the simulation working? if so how?



I did not try, but...

Thank you, Maybe I did not make myself clear. I do have the the PLC IDE working with a Licensed Portenta Machine control board. With the board connected and the PLC IDE running under the Menu Debug /Simulation Mode. when trying to use this tool from the IDE I get an error "Unable to run simulation"
I was asking if anyone has been able to get the simulation mode to work?

Everything else that I have tested is working.


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@asnuntech I have a licensed PLC IDE PMC as well. I got the same error message when I tried to run the simulator.

When digging for some other information I found that the PLC IDE is based on LogicLab a software by Axel Software. I went to their download page and installed Simulab:

After installing it, I was able to satisfy the workspace selection screen but got a different error message in the build dialog: "Target extension for PCT2 not found". If you play around with this software a little bit you may be able to get it working as a simulator.

In Help>Context is the full manual for the PLC IDE Software and it only has two sections that mention simulation so this may be a work in progress feature. The icon for simulation mode appears to be the same as the Simulab Logo as well so that is definitely the best bet for getting simulation running.

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Thank you. I did download the LogicLab software and installed and ran it. You need to start a new project with a target of a virtual machine. then the sim software runs nice.

BTW, The LogicLab IDE has a target of Arduino due and raspberry pie and a bunch other devices. not sure if you need a license for them or how to obtain the license for the them.


Can we now simulate with Arduino PLC IDE? This is an essential feature for me.