Hi guys,
couple of days I have try to decode my older weather station HYUNDAI WSC 1925:
Code of manufacturer: HYUWSC1925G
EAN: 8592417003405
inner temp: 0°C to +50°C
Humi No
Hyundai WSC
Code of manufacturer: 8594007606140
EAN: 8594007606140
outer temp -50°C to +70°C
Humi No
but I don't have luck. Can someone help me with decoding and writing arduino code?
Very good topics with information and inspiration are:
RFlink library:
RemoteSwitch (and CrestaProtocol.pdf)
Some legend:
- on the Calc document are some tabs, on tabs is binary temperature and picture of recorded "sound"
- on some tabs are my mistakes
- and on tab "Testy" are all values together with some colorization (only my try to make it better readable; probably bad colored... there are more patterns); probably sync and end data is not needed to compute with
- on some pictures I have sync data as 1000 - this is false, good is 100 (binary code I have repaired, pictures not)
- all temps are on channel 2; only two of them have channel 1 and 3 (it's on their names)
- zipped source (with 7zip) with Audacity "code samples" of temperature readings and Paint.net pictures with binary translating that code
there are maybe same sensors with some little differences (smaller range of measuring):
21,8C 100 10101111010111010111111010110101101 1011011 00
21,9C 100 1010110110101110101111110101101011010 1011011 00
Very thanks.
CrestaProtocol.pdf (523 KB)
Temperatures.zip (780 KB)