Please help me with ESP32-CAM

Hi, I am using an ESP32-cam from amazon. I don't know anything about it other then the specs.

link to ESP32-CAM:

I know how to work it and everything its just programming it isn't quite working. I am NOT using an FTDI programmer instead I'm using a ESP8266 to program it. I've watched so many videos and I cant seem to work it (I selected AI thinker). I did see the AI thinker logo but I didn't see the text 'AI thinker'(I provided an image just so you know what I mean).
In this video I copied literally everything and it still doesn't work. I think its because I didn't select the proper board in the Arduino IDE.

I am NOT using an FTDI programmer instead I'm using a ESP8266 to program it.

How is the ESP8266 connected as a programmer, show us the wiring ?

If the 'ESP8266 programmer' is not working what happens when you try the normal way of programming, a USB to Serial adapter (FTDI) ?

My FTDI programmer just came in, I'll try to see if it works, in the meantime here is the wiring of the esp8266:

I know its an article but just scroll down to see the wiring.

Turns out I was missing a step the whole time. It was an AI thinker board also I had to press the reset button when it shows the dots in the debug window. I did this with the FTDI programmer, I did test my ESP8266 board just incase it wasn't working but it was.

Thanks for taking some time to help me!

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