please help me

i want to test flame sensor

with arduino mega but i need to have a code to test it and need more to have connection diagram between this flame sensor and arduino kit
please i need it urgently

I'd think that someone with a handle of "super engineer" could come up with a better post title than "please help me".

Is your shift key broken?

I think you should let the vendor know that the documentation for there product is lacking. They sell too much unsupported stuff.

It has 3 pins VCC GND and S,
VCC = 5V
GND = Ground
So the S is for ....... Signal I guess.

I expect it is a LED in reverse (DEL?) with an amplifier and the signal is analog.

An example of test code is here - analogRead() - Arduino Reference -

Please give your post a subject that indicates the nature of the help you're asking for. The subject is all I see in the forum index when I'm trying to decide whether to read the post. I usually don't bother reading messages from people who can't be bothered to give a meaningful subject.

You should be able to test your gizmo using a +5v power source (arduino would do), multimeter set to read voltage, some connective wiring, and a match/lighter.