Please lock the "What is it about this community?" topic

This thread should be buried in the table of contents.

Would a moderator please lock it for posterity.


Already asked for it to be moved to bar sport !

Not happening on Per's watch.

The day I have to dress up a link and apologize for posting it is the day I quit giving help at all.

AFAIC the first post in this thread, the generalized blanket attack on this forum that serves as A BAD POST WARNING NEW PEOPLE AWAY.....

that post should be flagged


Thought it did get moved....
Can't see you asking, so it to be musted of gotten deleted and moved back. :thinking:

Flagged it and @Per picked up the flag.

If others flagged it too then clearly there is a problem !

Maybe you mean @Pert? :rofl:

'Muted' is an option.


I am unable to imagine any positive outcome from this thread.

New users and member volunteers are not served by this thread.

Both are being painted with a negative brush.

As a contributing volunteer on this site for a few years, this thread says your efforts, past, present, and future, are not desired or welcome.

Let’s lock this thread.

Owners please get involved.


Why should we lock the thread it is a opinion created for general discussion isn't ?


See reply #174

It is a topic that has served its purpose and antagonized both sides of the argument.
It either deserves to be in BAR SPORT or LOCKED.

Take your pick.


I agree. I vote that it be locked especially since OP hasn’t contributed past the first post. If someone else has a similar concern, they can start a new topic.


Which I believe was its intended purpose. So, mission accomplished. Mark it solved and lock it.


I moved the requests for closure or recategorization of What is it about this community? to a dedicated topic as they are not directly related to the subject matter of that topic.

@username_arduino_forum simply shared their perspective of the new user experience on the Arduino Forum.

Feedback and discussion and debate in response to that feedback is welcome here on Arduino Forum so long as it complies with our standards of conduct. The forum maintainers will not act to suppress or invalidate such discussions. @username_arduino_forum's post falls well within the standards of conduct so subjecting it to moderation would be inappropriate. If there are specific replies you think might require moderation, feel free to flag them.

If you disagree with @username_arduino_forum, you are welcome to respond with logic and reason. Or you can focus your attention on other topics if you prefer. Participation in the topic is entirely voluntary.

I personally find this type of feedback and the resulting discussion very valuable. Even if I feel that some of the complaints are skewed by a lack of understanding of the difficulties faced by the helpers and maintainers, I do think there is room for improvement in the friendliness of the forum to new users, especially when it comes to the infrastructure and documentation. Feedback from new users (and yes, I realize @username_arduino_forum is not "new" from a purely chronological standpoint) is very helpful for getting an understanding of the potential areas for improvement. The ideas shared by the forum users about possible action items for making such improvements are also very valuable.

The on-topic discussions on this subject are very interesting to me and I thank everyone who takes the time to contribute to such discussions.


Hi community I am unable to view all responses only around 13 response is visible
What is happening ?

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It was split. Scroll up to the top and see the linked post.

Is it within forum rules to give notice that you won't be wasting time on a thread any more?

That's as long as you don't name anyone or refer to anyone?

Yeah, I can quit helping anyone any time and owe them nothing, not even a reply of any kind. To me, that's an insult but The Rules only work on words and never the lack.

And when i cease to care altogether, I won't want to help anyone. My karma before the forum change was almost 800. If you don't know how many people you could help back then to get 1 point? It means I put in a lot of time helping people but for some reason... why? Why?

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It's never been in or not in the rules, if someone doesn't deserve your help for whatever reason then don't help. Whether you just stop responding or give a reason is up to you. All anyone asks is that if you give a reason you do so politely.

Only you know the answer to that, but I hope it's because you get some form of satisfaction from doing so.

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Maybe somebody could start the topic "The reason why I am here and why I help", the opposite kind to that "What is it about this community?". :slight_smile:
My advice to all: be kind and don't be whiner.
It's cruel world on the internet, deal with it. Of course, I do not condone rude attacks.


Ok, that makes sense why I didn't see it.