Re: Random thread hijack


I have recently been accused of "hijacking" and I still have yet to resolve what is actually meant by that particular term in this Arduino forum.

I was told by a moderator to research what that term means - here I am.

Could someone please fill me in.

Here’s an example of hijacking...
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you attached your problem / query to someone elses original post...that's classed as 'hijacking'.

That can cause confusion as people may respond to either query and answers get mixed up.

It's best to start a new topic for your own query, possibly copying the link to the 'other' one so that people can see where you are with your issue.


You could have tried typing "thread hijack" into Google or any other search engine of your choice.

As it is you've now hijacked yet another thread.


As it is you've now hijacked yet another thread.


Thread split.

Could someone please fill me in.

Got a question? Need help? Create a new thread.

Want to help someone else? Having something meaningful to contribute to an existing conversation? Post on the existing thread.

If you write anything to the effect of "I have the same problem" then you do not in fact have the same problem and your particular problem belongs on a separate thread.

I see shortly after acknowledging @ballscrewbob's warning to stop hijacking you hijacked. I do hope you make it through this learning experience unscathed.


And a more relevant link

Zombie topic resurrection: when someone finds a very old topic that seems to apply to their current problem, and posts a followup asking about the same thing. In one sense, this is good. We like it when people actually search the forums to try to answer their question, instead of asking the same thing that has been asked countless times before. But often, if the thread is old enough, the old answers are misleading and/or no longer applicable. And often what the new post asks isn't really the same question, either because the poster didn't have enough experience, or because of changes that have happened since the original thread.

Hijacking: When someone causes a thread to veer off of the original topic by posting a followup that doesn't really have anything to do with the original topic. The most frequent causes seem to be be a lack of understanding of how to start new topics (for very new users), mistakes in understanding what the topic was about (ie "my failure to upload must be similar to this other users, even though I'm using a different board"), or ... philosophical diversions into interesting but unrelated issues (even very experienced and knowledgeable posters will end up doing this, so that a question about a build error becomes a discussion on C++ revisions, or similar. Sometimes, these are interesting. But probably not to the original poster. (extra points if the OP sticks around, though!)

Now, since you seem to care, let's take a coupe of Arduino-n00b's posts that I found particularly annoying as an example. Second post
The first one was about the loss of the "BYTE" option of Serial.print(). The last post was in 2016, commenting "you must be using a really old version of the IDE." n00b's post complained that some library hadn't been updated; at best, resurrecting an ancient and resolved technical thread with a complaint about a library or perhaps documentation. Maybe not quite a "hijack."

The second thread (about void loop(void) vs void loop() (which concluded that it doesn't matter) is similarly from 2016, and n00b's followup complains about another library and brings up BYTE again, neither of which has anything to do with the original topic. Definitely a "hijack"...

Perhaps what n00b meant to say was more along the lines of "I found a project with these old libraries and they don't compile - where can I find fixed libraries?" That at least might have been answerable.
I'll also point out that neither of the libraries mentioned were Arduino-supported libraries, neither was given a source, and at least the first does seem to have been update (a long time ago.) In the decade that Arduino has been popular, a lot of code has been written, posted, and abandoned by people who went in different directions; that's something you'll have to live with.

So that's why the moderators are annoyed. Ask a question. Follow the forum posting guidelines about what information to provide. Point out mistakes, even complain about bad documentation. Ask for fixed to broken code. But avoid merely whining. Especially avoid whining in very old topics that were about something else...


Here’s an example of hijacking...
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Hey that's a great thread! I bet it has helped a lot of members! Let's discuss!! (.. extending the hijack)

anyone see that new movie “The Shining”????

anyone see that new movie “The Shining”????

One of the most annoying things about one of my brothers-in-law, was he always pronounced that as "shinning".

Isn't that from playing soccer?

One of the most annoying things about one of my brothers-in-law, was he always pronounced that as "shinning".

"Here's Johnny.."