Please lock the "What is it about this community?" topic

As someone very new to Eletronics/Arduino I think that topic is very important because I kinda felt it as well.

TLDR: I can agree that there were better ways @username_arduino_forum could have phrased his concerns but the main point is still there and its a useful and necessary topic.

The first topic I created was regarding a DS1307 module that was made to be used with a LIR2032 battery and I wanted to know what problems could happen if I used CR2032 instead.
This is the first response I got:

I can't understand how describing the 2 battery types could have helped and I find it funny how the part he emphasizes the most, using both capital letters and bold, is the part telling me the topic had the wrong tag.
Letting users know there was something wrong with the post is completely fine and should be done, but when answering that shouldn't be the part you emphasize the most, it should be the part where you try to actually help the user find a solution to the question/problem.

But it should also be noted that this can't be generalized and this doesn't represent the actions of the entire community and a good example of this is a response I got on the 2nd topic I created:

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