Please select a Port bfore Upload issue

Hello i get this to fix it?

Probably by selecting a port under Tools>Port.

Probably by selecting a port under Tools>Port.

Port option is disabled how to enable it?i mean i display in gray color and i can't access it

That means that the computer doesn't see any Arduinos plugged in. What Arduino are you using? Is it genuine or a clone?
If you're using Windows you can use Device Manager to check that the Arduino is recognised by the computer.

That means that the computer doesn't see any Arduinos plugged in. What Arduino are you using? Is it genuine or a clone?
If you're using Windows you can use Device Manager to check that the Arduino is recognised by the computer.

i use Digispark ATtiny85

Then you need to specify WHICH ATTINY 85 ( working link please ) ?

Also you may need to install the ATTINY 85 packages in either board manager or by specifying a URL.

Not enough information to guess more than that.
Please read the posts at the TOP of the forum.

I guess currently only way to use digispark is to use older version of arduino IDE.

For these before me. Digispark doesn't work via com port in the traditional way. It doesn't even come up as COM device.


The digispark works here under IDE all the way up to 1.8.6 and I dont see any reason for it not to work on higher IDE's.

Do you have the correct boards package installed ?
Which digispark do you have as there are many clone variations ?
What OS ?
What type of USB port are you using ?

Any additional information you may want to add ?

I just installed 1.8.5 and it works just fine. The latest 1.8.7. asks to select COM port. It's message from ide and not avrdude or what ever used to give that message in the past. Because everything worked just fine after I downgraded to 1.8.5.

Boards files are installed. Digispark was one of the clones sold on ebay. OS is Windows 10 and USB 3.0 ports. But I doubt they are the issue since 1.8.5 works just fine.

USB 3.0 ports tend to have a very "hit and miss" affect with Arduinos.
You are often better off with USB 2.0 ports or a decent POWERED USB 2.0 HUB.

Windows 10 can on occasion have driver issues and on rare occasions substitute its own over the one you should be using.

Some of the clones can also be power ONLY USB and may need an external programmer.

Micro USB cables can also sometimes be POWER only too so often better to have a good quality shorter one that is known to have both DATA AND POWER.

Also seen bad solder on the Chinese MICRO USB board connectors which can also give intermittent results.

Never count on something being OK just because it was 20 seconds ago.

I'm so glad I finally found this thread. I was spending all day trying to figure out how to setup everything to program my ATTINY85 using the Tiny AVR programmer. Rolling back to 1.8.5 fixed the issue where the IDE claims it needs a com port selected in order to upload using a programmer.

The Micronucleus bootloader has no serial port (VCP) and since IDE v1.8.7 no default serial port is selected and that is why the error message appears.
Change: Change default Port from COM1 to nothing selected · arduino/Arduino@d9ae0b1 · GitHub

The Micronucleus bootloader has no serial port (VCP) and since IDE v1.8.7 no default serial port is selected and that is why the error message appears.
Change: Change default Port from COM1 to nothing selected · arduino/Arduino@d9ae0b1 · GitHub

Glad to see I'm not the only one running into this issue. I followed the github link and saw what needs to be changed. Where/how do I change it? Running Windows 10 Home (64-bit).