Digispark not detected by pc or aurdino IDE
From your description that is exactly what I would expect. You might be able to figure it out, I cannot see your setup or what and how it is connected. Posting an annotated schematic will answer most of the questions. Also "Digispark" makes several products so since you have shown your results are correct. Since the IDE is not connected again you get the correct result. Posting the necessary details will help us help you. Without that???
Digispark has a "weird" upload procedure. I believe that "doesn't show up" is normal. Read the instructions (hopefully the original digispark insrtructions , or one of the many tutorials, will work even though most of the boards out there these days are clones.)
Thank you for your feedback,I'm new to aurdino projects but I figured it out.My pc does not detect the digispark unless it's plugged into a USB hub
I actually did figure it out but I will post detailed description next time asking questions on the forum,my apologies.
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