Hi everyone,
I am trying to develop my own USB library to send bulk messages from my PC to the Arduino Due.
I am taking a look how the HID and the keyboard libraries works and I can see that it uses the PluggableUSB API. However I cannot find any documentation about it. Can anyone tell me where I can find it?
This is not documentation, is just a header file with no comments....
I would ask in another way if I need to implement the Arduino Core API to integrate my own mcu where I can find some real documentation?
An API is defined by the hdr file, but if you don;t read code that well, maybe there is an English language version in the tons of documentation available on-line.
Don't understand the following at all, but it sounds wrong
[quote="lordrafa, post:4, topic:1306871"]
I would ask in another way if I need to implement the Arduino Core API to integrate my own mcu where I can find some real documentation?
Yeha that is my original question... documentation, a header file is not documentation.
The second is pretty clear if you understand what the header means or at least under my understanding... that header (among many others) need to be implemented by those who integrates new "arduinos" or more correctly MCUs (microcontroller unit).
It is weird for me that there is no single public documentation about the Arduino Core... how other companies integrate themselves... do they really need to interpretarte the Arduino Core headers and wise for the best?
Found it or at least something close: PluggableUSB and PluggableHID howto · arduino/Arduino Wiki · GitHub
Still weird not to have a proper place with all cores documented but this is good enough for me.
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The documentation around these products is sometimes difficult to find but it is there. I have lots of bookmarks but so many now I can't find the right bookmark. Good luck.