Hi there, I have a powerboost 1000c that is ON until you send the EN pin to ground (Generally via slide switch etc)
This is the powerboost: Overview | Adafruit Powerboost 1000C | Adafruit Learning System
I already have a 3 way toggle switch in my circuit wired like in the following link, and was wondering if there was somehow a way to turn the powerboost on and off by this switch to remove the need for an extra switch and not mess up the current wiring of the toggle switch.
It's wired like this (but obviously a toggle, not a slide or rocker):
Thank you all!
Sure, add a transistor that when turned on pulls the EN pin low.
Sure, add a transistor that when turned on pulls the EN pin low.
I have trouble understanding how to add transistors into wiring so I'll have to do some research.
If it is possible, I'd like to make the middle position of the toggle switch act as the powerboost off position.. I say this because the middle position is my 'Do nothing' position, so it would be good to also make it the powerboost off. I don't want to have to add another power source, i'd like the circuitry to run off just the one 3.7v battery which converts to 5v with the powerboost to run the circuit. When the middle position is chosen, it turns the powerboost, hence the circuitry off.