Pot on LCD

I would think the potentiometer is optional for an LCD since it's main purpose is to regulate contrast. Could I omit the pot and have it still work? In that case what would happen would be that the LCD would receive the complete voltage at maximum contrast correct?

Yes, set Vo, pin 3 to ground will generally work.

I am of course presuming you are referring to an alphanumeric display of the "1602" or "2004" type.

It does not need to be a potentiometer - arguably should not be configured as a potentiometer.

Given a stable voltage supply, try just grounding Vo, also try connecting it to ground via a 1k, a 330 or a 470 ohm resistor, see which works best and use that. May need to calibrate each individual display of course.

I'm referring to this example:

I was thinking of omitting the pot.

Quick follow up...

Why do we have incoming voltage (5V) on Pin 2 of the LCD, but then again Vee for the pot?

I guess its because it is indeed optional to use the pot?