Power motors through Uno DC plug

Hello everyone,

Newbie to Arduino and electronics in general here. I have found some topics on powering motors on this forum and elsewhere but to be honest the information confused me more than it cleared things up.

I just want to use an Arduino Uno and the Adafruit motor shield to power a 12v 0.4A Nema motor recommended by e.g. Adafruit, maybe add some more motors later. The motors shall be controlled via PC over the Arduino USB connector. On the Adafruit website I read

Setting up your shield for powering DC and Stepper Motors

...There are two places you can get your motor 'high voltage supply' from.

  1. One is the DC barrel jack on the Arduino board
  2. The other is the 2-terminal block on the shield that is labeled DC Motor Power 5-12VDC.

If you would like to have a single DC power supply for the Arduino and motors, say a wall adapter or a single battery pack with 6-12VDC output, simply plug it into the DC jack on the Arduino or the 2-pin power terminal block on the shield. Place the power jumper on the motor shield."

That sounds quite straightforward and simple to me. Just plug in a 6-12 V DC power supply into the Arduino jack and that's it? I'm asking because I keep reading about all sorts of problems with powering motors. I wonder whether I'm getting something wrong here.

Thanks for your help in advance!


I may be wrong but I think powering your shield and so your motors just with the 6-12VDC input of the arduino will not work, the motor will drain too much current for the little SPX1117M3-L-5 on the arduino (voltage regulator), and your arduino can only output 5V or 3,3V, not the 12V needed by your stepmotor

On some adafruit shields, powering the shield powers the arduino too, you should try if it's your case.

What is a "Nema motor"? Never heard about that before.
Can You post a link to the datasheet of that motor shield?
Arduino boards should never supply power to stuff like motors, solenoids etc,

Thanks for answering. Nema just refers to the US "National Electrical Manufacturers Association" and Nema 16-2001 is basically a standard for norming stepper motors. "Nema 17", what I would use, e.g. means a size of 1.7 inch (edge length). The link to the Adafruit shield is Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit [v2.3] : ID 1438 : $19.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits.


If you use the V2 Adafruit motor shield (not the V1 with L293 chips) then you can drive that low speed/torque 30ohm hybrid stepper from Adafruit. But not most other moderns low-impedance steppers.

You can power the setup via the DC socket, which also powers the Uno when you leave the jumper on the shield on. You can also connect 12volt to the shield's screw terminal instead of the DC socket, which bypasses the DC socket's reverse protection diode, and that is the preferred way for two motors.

12volt is borderline high for an Uno, and you can't power much else at that voltage from it.
If you must, then remove the jumper, and power the Uno with a 5volt USB cellphone charger, connected to the USB socket.

If you're serious about stepper motors, then don't use that shield and that hybrid stepper.
Use a CNC shield that can hold 1-4 current controlled stepper drivers for more modern high-speed/torque low-impedance stepper motors. And a 12 or 24volt supply.

Wawa, thanks a lot.



thanks a lot.


Do not power the motors with the Arduino unless you have some spares. The Arduino is Not a Power Supply!

Please explain how this will drain too much current for the SPX1117M3-L-5?

The SPX1117M3-L-5 supports a max current of 800 mA.
If the motors drain more current, the SPX1117M3-L-5 will just.. you know, die

[quote="SyFizz, post:2, topic:1084947"]
your motors just with the 6-12VDC input of the arduino will not work, the motor will drain too much current for the little SPX1117M3 [/quote]

You are correct on the 800mA if the voltage is not to high on the input. Since the motors are connect on the input side of the regulator explain how will it cause it to shut down.

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