I am very new to Arduino.
I have a research project at school that I need to make. Basically, it's to use a NPK, Temp and Humid, EC, and pH sensor on the Arduino Uno, get the data, send to a phone using the HC-05 bluetooth module and do some analytics on the phone.
The focus is how do I power the sensor and Arduino Uno + Bluetooth Module with just 1 battery?
The specification for the sensor is about 12-24v and I don't wanna fry anything because we're limited in budget. Can I have an illustration on how the connections will go?
I am new at this field, rather I haven't tackled anything complex yet. Not much idea about electric jargons or arduino related stuff.
Do you have a video on how to assemble this including the battery protection and other stuff that I need? I'm really new on this kind of thing. Do I have to solder anything?
If only price and size matters and battery life is not important, you could power both the sensor and arduino uno with one 12v boost regulator and HC-05 from arduino 5V pin.
If you also need battery protection and are allergic to soldering, you could consider 12V UPS module. But i personally prefer solution @rsmls proposed.
I'm ordering two 2200mAh 18650 batteries and converting them from 5V to 12V via the step up converter...
How long do you think it'll last to power all the components said?
I just want to get real time data and send it to my phone. That shouldn't probably take long.
18650 batteries are not 5V. Which converter approach you decided?
I can't answer to question about battery life if you don't tell max power consumption of your sensor. Also most of the 18650 cells sold online can have whatever capacity, your 2200mAh might be 1500mAh in reality. I wouldn't expect more than few hours anyway.
The 5V power bank on your link can supply arduino and hc, but you still need 12V boost for your sensor.
Some similar sensors have specs max power of 0.15W, so I would expect something like that.