Problem in simulating lm35 with arduino

Hi everyone,
I am facing problem in simulation of LM35 Temperature sensor in proteous. My Virtual terminal in proteous in not showing the correct value of temperature. The code and circuit diagrams are attached below:

the code is the following:
float temp;

void setup()




void loop()


temp = analogRead(A1);

temp = temp*0.48828125;

Serial.print("Temperature= ");






I have tried several codes but facing the same issue.

It looks like the terminal baudrate is incorrect.
Test the settings of the Virtual terminal in the Proteus.

Your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Installation and Troubleshooting is for problems that you experience with the Arduino IDE. Proteus is on no way related to the IDE.

I suggest that you ask this on a proteus forum.

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