Problem including SD.h library


I'm trying to get consumption information from my electricity meter and to store it on the SD card embedded on the Ethernet shield.
I managed to get consumption information from my electricity meter and to display it through serial monitor adding the UTC timestamp.
The problem happens when I include SD.h library. I just manage to display the end of the consumption frame.
Could you help me?

Here is my source code :

//include Téléinformation
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//include RTC
#include <Wire.h>
#include "RTClib.h"

//include SD
//#include <SD.h>
#include <SPI.h>

//Variable globale pour le module RTC

//Variable de récupération du compteur1
SoftwareSerial cptSerial_1(2, 3);

//Variable SD
Sd2Card card;
SdVolume volume;
SdFile root;
File myfile;

/******************************* Setup *******************************/
//Setup Global
void setup() {
        Serial.begin(1200);     // opens serial port, sets data rate to 1200 bps

//Setup RTC module
void setupRTC()
 if (! RTC.isrunning()) 
   Serial.println("RTC is NOT running!");
   // following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled
   // RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));

/******************************* Main *******************************/
void loop() {

String getTeleInfo(SoftwareSerial &cptSerial)
  char tmp=' ';
  String ReturnValue = String("");

  //Attendre la fin de la trame en cours
  while (tmp!=char(2))
    if (cptSerial.available()) 
    { & 0x7F;
  //une fois char(2) passé, attendre char(10)
  while (tmp!=char(10))
    if (cptSerial.available()) 
    { & 0x7F;

  //Récupérer la Trame en remplaçant les char(10) par des ';'
  while (tmp!=char(2))
    //Attendre le prochain caractère
    while (!cptSerial.available()) 
    { & 0x7F;
    //Remplacer les Char(10) par ";"
      ReturnValue = ReturnValue + ';';
      //Eliminer les caractères inutiles
      if(tmp > 31) // and tmp < 127)
        ReturnValue = ReturnValue + tmp;
  //Intégrer la date à la sortie
  ReturnValue = ReturnValue + ";" + + " UTC";
  return ReturnValue;

Here is the result without including SD.h

ADCO 031128380698 H;OPTARIF HC.. <;ISOUSC 45 ?;HCHC 000000000 F;HCHP 000000000 S;PTEC HP.. ;IINST 000 W;IMAX 000 ?;PAPP 00000 !;HHPHC A ,;MOTDETAT 000000 B;1353536567 UTC
ADCO 031128380698 H;OPTARIF HC.. <;ISOUSC 45 ?;HCHC 000000000 F;HCHP 000000000 S;PTEC HP.. ;IINST 000 W;IMAX 000 ?;PAPP 00000 !;HHPHC A ,;MOTDETAT 000000 B;1353536570 UTC
ADCO 031128380698 H;OPTARIF HC.. <;ISOUSC 45 ?;HCHC 000000000 F;HCHP 000000000 S;PTEC HP.. ;IINST 000 W;IMAX 000 ?;PAPP 00000 !;HHPHC A ,;MOTDETAT 000000 B;1353536574 UTC

And the result with SD.h includes

,;MOTDETAT 000000 B;1353536669 UTC
,;MOTDETAT 000000 B;1353536672 UTC
,;MOTDETAT 000000 B;1353536675 UTC

I'm using the assembly that is described here (in french) :


If that is an Uno, you are probably running out of SRAM. There is not enough memory to return that string from that call when you add the SD library.

You can use the SD library OR you can shoot yourself in the foot using the String class. Your choice.

You're right SurferTim, I’m using an ARDUINO UNO with ethernet shield.

So I just have to stop using String Library and replace it by characters arrays.

Thank you all. I going to test that.
