I'm trying to read an analog value on input pin 36 of an ESP32 Mini like this [https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B08TBQRMY4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I have no problem reading on input pin 34 but when trying to read on 36 the value just fluctuates between 0 and 4095. Not sure if its because of the internal Hall Effect sensor . I'm pretty sure my code is fine as it works with other input pins? Any tips on a gotcha with that particular pin.
The link is a 404 error.
This page shows how to read the adc voltage on adc0 (GPIO34)
You should be aware the ESP32 ADC is non-linear, but if your connections are right and you run the code you will find on that page you should at least get reasonably sensible and stable readings.
Without seeing your schematic and code we cant know if you are doing something that would affect your readings.
Thanks for the reply.Sorry about the wrong link. I edited it in the above post. As I mentioned in my initial post I have no problem reading the ADC port on GPIO34 its GPIO36 that is giving me trouble
Turned out to be a short on my board between an i2s line and GPIO36 . Sorry about the false alarm.
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