problem sending multiple floats via NRF24L01

hi, i need some advice on where to go from here, i can send one sensor data easily but im trying to send multiple sensor data by joining them together and sending, i will break them down once sent but i cant even seem to be able to receive all the data.... even clumped together..

thx for your help in advance

temprecieve.ino (2.27 KB)

temptrans.ino (2.06 KB)

char buffer1[strlen(sensor1) + strlen(sensor2)+ strlen(sensor3)+ strlen(sensor4)];
sprintf(buffer1, "%s,%s,%s,%s", sensor1, sensor2, sensor3, sensor4);

If sensor1, sensor2, sensor3, and sensor4 are all 6 characters long, you have allocated room for 24 characters, and then you write 28 characters into that space. Fail!

How big a payload can you send with that library?

The nRF4 sends 32 byte packages IIRC.
I think the OP's variables are each 7 bytes long.

That code is not sending floats. It is sending text because sprintf converts the values to their text equivalent

I think this line

radio.write ( &buffer1, sizeof(buffer1));

should be

radio.write ( buffer1, sizeof(buffer1));

because buffer1 is an array

And the buffer in the receiver needs to be at least as big as the buffer in the sender
