Problem with analogRead() on ESP32-c3


I am trying to read data from multiple sensors using both the ESP32-C3 devboard and the ESP-32-C3-WROOM-02 module. I am usign a very basic example program:

int sensorPin = 3; // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED
int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

void setup() {

void loop() {
// read the value from the sensor:
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);

whenever i run this it only reads the analog value on GPIO0 (ADC1_channel1) no matter what pin i set it to read. I am also tried defining diferent pins as inputs/outputs with no change.
My guess is that i have to somehow change the adcChannel that is being used, however i was unable to find a solution on google that works with arduino. Every just says analogRead works fine. Has anyone run into this issue before and resolved it? the esp32-C3 is very new and barely suported in arduino so i am guessing that could also be the issue.
Any help is greatly aprechiated.

Which GPIO pin is ADC!_channel1 located on?

Which pin are you trying to read ADC from?

You might figure out that GPIO_NUM_3 is NOT ADC_Channel1.

You might find this is a clue just for you

I am trying to read the value from GPIO3, which is ADC1_CH3. But the only ADC that is being read is on GPIO0 (ADC1_CH0)

Can you please provide a link to a reference for that ?

Did you read ADC1: * 8 channels: GPIO32 - GPIO39 ADC2: * 10 channels: GPIO0, GPIO2, GPIO4, GPIO12 - GPIO15, GOIO25 - GPIO27?

here is the link to the board with the schematic at the botom

I am sorry i dont quite understand your reply. I think only other esp32 chipshave that many channels, this one is the ESP32-C3

Well that's not a computable ESP32 layout; time for a core update.

But it does work, its suported in arduino core and my other code works. Its onyl the ADC that seems to be the issue. Do you think its because the port map is wrong?

The GPIO pins of the ESP32 are on 2 ports portA and portB. PortB is optimized for the AD converters and are input only. Somewhere in the C# API should be a set of macros that allow you to define/configure the ports.

Thanks for showing me to stay away from the ESP32 C3's.

Is it posible to change these parameters?

Problem verified

I am also having the same problem, and have verified that the C3 is only working on GPIO-0 no matter which Pin you actually run an analogRead from. I started digging into the ESP core libraries (ESP by Espressif Version 2.0.0) to see if I could figure out why, and I believe I may be onto something...


I believe the problem is that the hardware abstraction layer define in the "esp32-hal-gpio.c" file never defines the pins for the C3 to begin with. "esp32-hal-gpio.h defines the esp32_gpioMux[] with is an array of esp32_gpioMux_t that holds pin mapping data for learning GPIO-->Analog pin assignments (as well as other stuff), and the esp32_adc2gpio[] holds pin mapping data for learning Analog-->GPIO pin assignments. There are 2 #defines, one for the ESP32, and one for the ESP32S2, but never one for the ESP32C3. This holds true for both the esp32_gpioMux[] and the esp32_adc2gpio. I believe, if these arrays are filled out for the C3, this will start working?

In the "esp32-hal-gpio.h" file, there is a macro for getting pin info out of the platform called
digitalPinToAnalogChannel(pin). As the name suggests, you give it your GPIO pin number, and it returns the Analog channel tied to it. If there is no Analog channel mapped to this pin, it returns -1.

The Test

I have all three flavors of board, so I ran a very simple test using the digitalPinToAnalogChannel(pin) on each platform to view all the pin mappings. Here is the code:

void setup() {  
#if defined ARDUINO_ESP32_DEV  
#elif defined ARDUINO_ESP32S2_DEV  
#elif defined ARDUINO_ESP32C3_DEV  
    for (int i=0; i<40; i++) {  
        Serial.println("D pin to A chan: " + String(i) + "=" + String(digitalPinToAnalogChannel(i)));  
void loop() {}

The output from this test app:

ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805f8
D pin to A chan: 0=11
D pin to A chan: 1=-1
D pin to A chan: 2=12
D pin to A chan: 3=-1
D pin to A chan: 4=10
D pin to A chan: 5=-1
D pin to A chan: 6=-1
D pin to A chan: 7=-1
D pin to A chan: 8=-1
D pin to A chan: 9=-1
D pin to A chan: 10=-1
D pin to A chan: 11=-1
D pin to A chan: 12=15
D pin to A chan: 13=14
D pin to A chan: 14=16
D pin to A chan: 15=13
D pin to A chan: 16=-1
D pin to A chan: 17=-1
D pin to A chan: 18=-1
D pin to A chan: 19=-1
D pin to A chan: 20=-1
D pin to A chan: 21=-1
D pin to A chan: 22=-1
D pin to A chan: 23=-1
D pin to A chan: 24=-1
D pin to A chan: 25=18
D pin to A chan: 26=19
D pin to A chan: 27=17
D pin to A chan: 28=-1
D pin to A chan: 29=-1
D pin to A chan: 30=-1
D pin to A chan: 31=-1
D pin to A chan: 32=4
D pin to A chan: 33=5
D pin to A chan: 34=6
D pin to A chan: 35=7
D pin to A chan: 36=0
D pin to A chan: 37=1
D pin to A chan: 38=2
D pin to A chan: 39=3


Build:Oct 25 2019
rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x4004c19c
D pin to A chan: 0=-1
D pin to A chan: 1=0
D pin to A chan: 2=1
D pin to A chan: 3=2
D pin to A chan: 4=3
D pin to A chan: 5=4
D pin to A chan: 6=5
D pin to A chan: 7=6
D pin to A chan: 8=7
D pin to A chan: 9=8
D pin to A chan: 10=9
D pin to A chan: 11=10
D pin to A chan: 12=11
D pin to A chan: 13=12
D pin to A chan: 14=13
D pin to A chan: 15=14
D pin to A chan: 16=15
D pin to A chan: 17=16
D pin to A chan: 18=17
D pin to A chan: 19=18
D pin to A chan: 20=19
D pin to A chan: 21=-1
D pin to A chan: 22=-1
D pin to A chan: 23=-1
D pin to A chan: 24=-1
D pin to A chan: 25=-1
D pin to A chan: 26=-1
D pin to A chan: 27=-1
D pin to A chan: 28=-1
D pin to A chan: 29=-1
D pin to A chan: 30=-1
D pin to A chan: 31=-1
D pin to A chan: 32=-1
D pin to A chan: 33=-1
D pin to A chan: 34=-1
D pin to A chan: 35=-1
D pin to A chan: 36=-1
D pin to A chan: 37=-1
D pin to A chan: 38=-1
D pin to A chan: 39=-1

Build:Feb  7 2021
rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0xc (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
mode:DIO, clock div:1
SHA-256 comparison failed:
Calculated: 9f7363434bc7a1a2434ba3062500fa10b9fce5bb859899ee0424321b4ddaf742
Expected: 9b18b42e3e8e407f5e7b13f26c80172eda36d674c584e818f50843c766ebde69
Attempting to boot anyway...
entry 0x403ce000
I (48) boot: ESP-IDF v4.4-dev-2313-gc69f0ec32 2nd stage bootloader
I (49) boot: compile time 12:10:14
I (49) boot: chip revision: 3
I (49) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. bootloader chip revision: 0
I (55) qio_mode: Enabling default flash chip QIO
I (59) boot.esp32c3: SPI Speed      : 80MHz
I (63) boot.esp32c3: SPI Mode       : QIO
I (67) boot.esp32c3: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (71) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (75) boot: Partition Table:
I (78) boot: ## Label            Usage          Type ST Offset   Length
I (84) boot:  0 nvs              WiFi data        01 02 00009000 00005000
I (91) boot:  1 otadata          OTA data         01 00 0000e000 00002000
I (97) boot:  2 app0             OTA app          00 10 00010000 00140000
I (104) boot:  3 app1             OTA app          00 11 00150000 00140000
I (110) boot:  4 spiffs           Unknown data     01 82 00290000 00170000
I (117) boot: End of partition table
I (120) boot_comm: chip revision: 3, min. application chip revision: 0
I (126) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3c030020 size=08898h ( 34968) map
I (139) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=000188c0 vaddr=3fc8b400 size=014b4h (  5300) load
I (142) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=00019d7c vaddr=40380000 size=0629ch ( 25244) load
I (153) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00020020 vaddr=42000020 size=22498h (140440) map
I (176) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=000424c0 vaddr=4038629c size=04fe4h ( 20452) load
I (180) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=000474ac vaddr=50000000 size=00010h (    16) load
I (183) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (185) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
D pin to A chan: 0=0
D pin to A chan: 1=0
D pin to A chan: 2=0
D pin to A chan: 3=0
D pin to A chan: 4=0
D pin to A chan: 5=0
D pin to A chan: 6=0
D pin to A chan: 7=0
D pin to A chan: 8=0
D pin to A chan: 9=0
D pin to A chan: 10=0
D pin to A chan: 11=0
D pin to A chan: 12=0
D pin to A chan: 13=0
D pin to A chan: 14=0
D pin to A chan: 15=0
D pin to A chan: 16=0
D pin to A chan: 17=0
D pin to A chan: 18=0
D pin to A chan: 19=0
D pin to A chan: 20=0
D pin to A chan: 21=0
D pin to A chan: 22=-1
D pin to A chan: 23=-1
D pin to A chan: 24=-1
D pin to A chan: 25=-1
D pin to A chan: 26=-1
D pin to A chan: 27=-1
D pin to A chan: 28=-1
D pin to A chan: 29=-1
D pin to A chan: 30=-1
D pin to A chan: 31=-1
D pin to A chan: 32=-1
D pin to A chan: 33=-1
D pin to A chan: 34=-1
D pin to A chan: 35=-1
D pin to A chan: 36=-1
D pin to A chan: 37=-1
D pin to A chan: 38=-1
D pin to A chan: 39=-1

The Conclusion???

I really looks like the C3 just doesn't have it's GPIO/ADC pins mapped. The first 22 GPIOs point to Analog channel 0. And this A/D channel does indeed work as expected. Unfortunately, I'm not qualified to try and make these defines myself, and hope the community and/or Espressif can chime in and prove/disprove my findings and fix the C3 so we can use all 5 channels that are available on the Devkit.

1 Like

I'd check the Espressif communities first and redo your test programed directly on ROTS without Arduino code.

i have mentioned this forum post and findings of willyum2n in the related core issue:

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